Venus In Taurus 2019 Will Up The Ante On Your Sex Life & Here's How
Oh la la! On May 15, luscious Venus wraps up in warrior-like Aries, dazzling her way into money-making Taurus, which also happens to be her sign of rulership, and things are going to get sensual real quick. So how is Venus in Taurus 2019 going to affect your sex life? Well, the answer is: in more ways than one. When the cosmic coquette, aka Venus, shakes her tail-feather via pleasure-seeking Taurus, trust me when I say, there's no place she'd rather be.
Venus also rules Libra, and the goddess of love naturally thrives when traveling through the sign of the scales. Given that Venus governs our charms, beauty, relationships, aesthetic, sense of pleasure, money-making abilities, shopping sprees, and sweet tooth, you should expect its beauty blossom in a much more physical way when in the sign of Taurus. Because Libra is an air sign, its Venusian glamour makes itself known via conversations and other social interactions. Taurus, on the other hand, is an earth sign and a symbol of our physical reality, which is why the essence of luscious Venus is pretty much alive and breathing when in sensual Taurus.
Here's what you'll have to look forward to:
Venus In Taurus: May 15, 2019
Fun fact: Marilyn Monroe was a Gemini sun, but her Midheaven, better known as her destiny and public persona, was in Taurus; hence, the world's innate perception of her sexual charisma and irresistible sensuality, but I digress. When gorgeous Venus is traveling through steady Taurus, you're instantly reminded of the beauty that exists in the world around us. This celestial energy brings you down to earth in terms of your finances, relationships, and general sense of security.
Also, sweet physical gestures, such as caressing, hugging, and hand-holding are very likely during this time, as Venus in Taurus thrives when expressing itself through the five senses. Taurus loves to indulge in the pleasures of life, and Venus is here to do exactly that. So feel free to revel in something delicious, whether it be a hearty meal, a decadent dessert, or a much-needed spa day. Whatever you do, do it knowing Venus in Taurus is here for it.
Venus In Taurus: How Will This Transit Affect Your Sex Life?
Venus in Taurus chooses aesthetics, comfort, and physical pleasure. When Venus in Taurus makes love, she takes her sweet time, indulging in the act itself. So this is very likely the same vibe you'll experience within your intimate relationships as well as the sexual encounters you confront while Venus is in Taurus.
Taurus is constantly looking for something simple, practical, and dependable, which means the possibility of finding a loyal lover or perhaps a steady sexual routine is very likely during this sultry transit. However, make sure your lover is up to par, as Venus in Taurus prefers to invest her time in that which meets her ultra-lush check list.
Venus in Taurus' greatest desire is her physical security. Sexual loyalty? You better believe it. The goddess of bubble baths and sparkling rosé prefers to possess her lovers, as it's what makes her feel most secure. So beware of stubborn jealous spells and general clinginess within your sexual relationships during this time, too.
In the meantime, make sure you take your cuddling game up a notch... or two. Venus in Taurus thrives on physical affection, so rest assured; there will be plenty of hugs to go around. Not feeling Venus in Taurus' touchy-feely PDA? Don't worry, the queen of cosmos has a fondness for all things aesthetically pleasing, so you could always splurge on something totally ravishing.
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