A Dermatologist Reveals 5 Ways To Deal With Dating When You're Prone To Sweating
When it comes to sweating in the summertime, you can act one of two ways: be grossed out or be realistic. If you are a human person, you probably sweat. When warm weather rolls around, you probably start to perspire even more. If you run hot like I do, you probably exude moisture in December, too. If you're dating during any of these months, you're probably not all that into sweating on your date. Being sweaty on dates can be uncomfortable, but it's very much something you can take care of.
First off, I want to establish that there is no sweat-shaming happening here. Bodies sweat for a reason — to cool us down — and some of us just happen to be more shvitzy than others. I live in New York, where window AC units only kind of, sort of work, and summers get hot and humid in a way that makes people (me) get so desperate for the beach they'll spend four hours in traffic to get to one. Add in first date nerves and potential hair blow-drying to the mix, and my makeup is melting just thinking about it.
I spoke to Dr. Anna Gauche, MD, a board-certified specialist in dermatology and cosmetic dermatology, to discover what tips and tricks she had to help with perspiration and dating. Because let's be real — sweating the bed when there is another person in it is no fun for anyone.
01Wear breathable clothing.
It seems so simple, but "wearing loose, 'breathable' clothing can help prevent feeling moist under the arms," says Dr. Gauche. "Great fabrics are cotton and linen." I know that when the seasons first change, I often don't exactly know what to wear, especially if I'm going out at night. In the early part of the summer, New York weather can change from 40 degrees to 80 degrees within the week, so this What Not To Wear—esque advice is actually very useful.
"Avoid fabrics such as silk which can show sweat circles more in the underarms," says Dr. Gauche. "Other synthetic materials can exacerbate sweating because they trap moisture and heat under the arms." You can always bring a second layer. ISN'T SUMMER SEXY, FRIENDS?!
02Slap on that deodorant.
I've been trying to switch to the natural deodorant life, but that's been tricky as the temperature creeps higher. I'm about to try Megababe's Rosy Pitts deodorant, but most days I have to switch to the aluminum-packed antiperspirant.
That said, if you're more concerned about not sweating than potential health concerns, Dr. Gauche recommends using a stronger antiperspirant, or prescription oral anti-cholinergic medications (glycopyrrolate and propantheline).
03Plan your dates accordingly.
If it's an incredibly hot night out, you know you're a sweaty person, and you're planning a date night, think about locale. On really sticky nights, you might be sweaty, even if you're sitting out on that patio by the water with the breeze. Instead, choose a date with ample AC.
Or make sure the date idea involves some cold beverages, and steer clear of spicy foods. "Interestingly, some people even sweat more as they eat, called gustatory hyperhidrosis," adds Dr. Gauche.
Really cold date ideas: the movies, restaurants and bars that are indoor, and swimming (if you are so lucky to have access to a pool).
04Prepare your bedroom for the season.
"As the heat turns up during intimacy, the sweat glands can become more active," explains Dr. Gauche "This is a tough one. Turn the AC way down! Get breathable sheets (lower thread count)."
But at the end of the day, ideally the person in your bedroom is a person you trust, and a person who knows you're just human. "Don’t stress about sweating during sex," recommends Dr. Gauche. "It will be distracting, and make you sweat more." Plus, your date is probably sweating too — heat is heat.
05Talk to your doctor if it's really bothering you.
"Excessive sweating also known as hyperhidrosis can have numerous causes," says Dr. Gauche." "Primary hyperhidrosis is from an unknown cause, where as secondary hyperhidrosis can be due an underlying condition such as an infectious, endocrine or neurological disorder."
Talk to your doctor about the best option for you. There are surgical options, and many people get botox in the sweatiest of areas. "If sweating is severely affecting one’s life, one may even consider surgery to remove sweat glands from the problematic area," says Dr. Gauche. "Botox® can help tremendously." Again, talk to your doctor first.
Summer dates can be tricky, but don't sweat them. We're all human.