If You're Bored AF With Your 20s, These Are 7 Things You Should Change ASAP
Falling into the same daily routine in your 20s can be all too relatable. It makes sense to rely on a schedule to keep yourself in check with the endless responsibilities of adulting — but that scheduled way of life can get really bland, real fast. If you're bored in your 20s, consider making a few key adjustments that'll bring essential zest back into your world.
Having a handle on your 20s is something you deserve a gold star for. The whole decade brings on a rollercoaster of emotions. You might feel like you've lost yourself a bit, because you're doing what you think your 20s should consist of. If that's the case, you should ditch the rule book and revamp your routine a bit.
Your 20s requires a lot of multitasking. You need to keep one hand at the pulse of your responsibilities, but the other one needs to be fist pumping victoriously through the decade. This time in your life won't last forever, so you should start making the most of it.
When it comes down to it, it's all about balance. Kick those boring vibes to the curb by making a few simple changes in your life.
01Your Friendships
Reassess the friendships you surround yourself with on the regular. If these people aren't adding anything new or exciting to your life, expanding your social circle may be in order. You need friends who make you feel so fulfilled and happy after spending time with them, not make you want to yawn.
02Relying On Everything To Be Planned Out
The open road has a way of giving us so much clarity. By not mapping out every single detail of your course, you may catch yourself off guard and allow those raw, genuine, and pure thoughts to flow. Consider being a bit more spontaneous with your life. Sometimes, changing course could steer you in the right direction.
03Your Job
Your job summons a professional side of you which is awesome, but if not even an ounce of your heart is in it, you're not working for anything. You may need to seek out a new career path if your current job is at the center of your boredom. Your 20s is the time to dabble in different professions to see what clicks and what is truly meant to be.
04A Relationship You're Not Happy With
If you're in a relationship and you are still so bored in your 20s, you may need to reevaluate if this relationship is right for you at this point in your life. As much as you may care for this person, if they are weighing you down, you need to address it ASAP. Now, don't go breaking up because of a small dry point in your relationship. Who knows, this person might be willing to get on the new, exciting ride with you.
05Your Style
I know it may sound silly, but making an exciting, big change to your style will have you feeling so refreshed. Get that drastic haircut or finally opt for those beautiful highlights. You aren't changing everything about you, but you could unveil a new side of you that was waiting to come out and play.
06Fearing The Unknown Factors Of The Future
Many people fall into the routine of boring times in their 20s because they play it safe. The future is scary as heck, and they believe staying in the zone they're comfortable with will keep them from experiencing the bad parts of it. When it comes down to it, the future is on its way, no matter what you do. Instead of hiding in the slow lane, get into that carpool with change as your passenger.
07The Initial Game Plan You Had For Yourself
Oh, plans. They look and feel so good when you are first starting out, but they can fall short. Just because you had a game plan for yourself jotted down in the beginning of your 20s, doesn't mean that it's meant for you. Straying away from what you initially planned for yourself will fill your heart with so much adventure and passion. Sometimes, the best plan is not going to according to plan.
Your 20s is a sacred decade and you don't want to look back and wish you had done more. Shed the boredom and give that whole carpe diem thing a try.