If You’re Looking For Natural Birth Control That Actually Works, This App Is For You
In a time where women's bodies remain a hot topic in both discussion and legislation alike, it's more important than ever to take back control of the conversation. Whether that means marching with 10,000 of your closest friends or simply switching from a popular birth control method that just isn't working for you, our power as women lies in our autonomy.
Even though it can feel like one more thing to add to your list, birth control represents more than just a daily chore. Finding the right one can make a significant difference in how we relate to our bodies. There's no one-size-fits-all method, and why would there be? Every woman's body is uniquely and totally hers.
Enter Natural Cycles, a new solution for non-hormonal reproductive health and the first and only FDA-cleared birth control app. It works by measuring your basal body temperature to determine fertile and non-fertile days each month, pinpointing when you need — and don't need — to use protection.
Here's something a lot of people don't realize: There are only six days in a woman's cycle when she can get pregnant. The ability to easily identify those days and take the proper precautions is a total game changer when it comes to finding a birth control that fits in with your lifestyle.
In the spirit of educating our readers about a new kind of birth control, Elite Daily teamed up with Natural Cycles to dive in to what sets this method apart from the rest. Here's what you need to know.
It's Firmly Rooted In Science
The company was founded by Elina Berglund, a particle physicist formerly of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Yes, that CERN. She and her husband were on the hunt for natural birth control, and she was struck that there were such limited options that leveraged the connection between temperature and fertility. (Post-ovulation, women's basal body temperature rises a noticeable amount.)
With Natural Cycles, you take your temperature each morning and enter your data into the app. It then tells you if it’s a “green day,” meaning you're not fertile and don't need to use protection, or if it’s a “red day,” meaning you are fertile and you should use protection.
It's as simple as that; no pills, no hormones, no doctor appointments, only a thermometer you can keep at your bedside and your phone, which, let's be honest — you probably already sleep next to.
It Doesn't Sacrifice Effectiveness
The term "natural birth control" can bring to mind a go-with-the-flow, hope-for-the-best-attitude, but the data behind Natural Cycles proves it doesn't rely on wishful thinking.
With perfect use (as in, no unprotected sex on red days) Natural Cycles is 98 percent effective. With typical use (accounting for all possible reasons), Natural Cycles still has a 93 percent effectiveness rate.
While Natural Cycles doesn't protect against STIs, it's a great choice for people whose main priority is preventing pregnancy while learning more about their bodies.
It Does More Than Just Prevent Pregnancy
While it's designed as a birth control app, Natural Cycles also comes in handy if you do want to become pregnant. There are two options in the app: "prevent" and "plan." Simply switch to "plan" and the same algorithm that told you when you're not fertile will predict the days on which you're the most likely to conceive. How cool is that?
And even if you're not looking to start a family, the app's personalized data tracks those seemingly nebulous things like your cycle, your mood, and PMS. By demystifying your body, it gives you the knowledge required to take back control of your health, leading to a happier and more powerful you.
Want to learn more about Natural Cycles? Take this quiz to find out if it's the right choice for you. First-time users get 20% off an annual subscription and a free thermometer delivered right to their door.
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This post is sponsored by Natural Cycles. Natural Cycles does not protect against STIs and users must be 18 or older.