Charlie Puth Isn't Dating Selena Gomez & Here's What We Know About His Relationship Status
Following the romantic lives of celebrities can be so exhausting, but somebody has to do it, right? (It's me. I have to do this very, very tough job.) Between dating, breaking up, and everything in between, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with our favorite A-listers. And recently, many fans are wondering about singer Charlie Puth. He's young, talented, and successful, so surely the 26-year-old singer has someone he can wine and dine. Or does he? That leads us to one question on every fan's mind: Is Charlie Puth single? Though he was at one point rumored to be dating a very well-known singer (cough, cough, Selena Gomez), it looks like that's not the case.
So, what the hell happened?
To answer that question, we have to start where it all began, when the pair first met each other. Puth and Gomez met at an MTV Video Music Awards party back in August of 2015. "I just went up to her and started talking to her," Puth said of Gomez. "I was very floored by how well she handled herself and how mature she was. It’s nice to get to know the actual person and finding out she’s an interesting person … I’m happy that we’re friends."
Hmm. Friends, or something more, Charlie?
"I don't know if anyone really understands me. Which is why I hang out with Selena Gomez. She gets me," Puth told Us Weekly.
Fast forward to March of 2016, Puth and Gomez were rumored to be linked to each other. A source told Us Weekly, "It’s not serious, but she’s super into him."
If Selena Gomez is "super into" you, one would hope that you shoot your shot. Because, hello, this is Selena freaking Gomez we're talking about.
The girl is a damn dream.
And for a while, it looked like Puth DID shoot his shot. In an interview with Billboard, he talked about his duet with Selena Gomez, "We Don't Talk Anymore," and he spoke about how you can't create a song like that without actually having something else "going on behind the scenes." He said,
I don’t kiss and tell, but the only way a song like that can come across as real is if there’s something else going on behind the scenes. And that’s what was happening [with Gomez]. Very short-lived, very small, but very impactful. And it really messed me up. I’m trying to put this the best way possible: It wasn’t like I was the only person on her mind. And I think I knew that going in — what I was getting myself into.
Did he just... ? Yup, he did. If that's not a confirmation that the two we're seeing each other at some point, then I don't know what is.
Then there was that whole ~situation~ when Puth said, "F*ck you, Justin Beiber" during a concert back in March of 2016:
Puth took to Twitter and explained that it was "meant to be a joke" in now-deleted tweets, but it was pretty obvious that something (perhaps someone) was on his mind at that moment.
But, sigh. That was then, this is now. If he's no longer seeing Selena Gomez, is there anyone else in the picture? Wellll. Maybe.
Puth went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on October 12, 2017, and admitted to DeGeneres that he was off the market, but that his girlfriend is not someone who's in the public eye. "I’m actually not single right now, I'm in a relationship ... I went through this whole thing …[but] I’m kind of done with dating people in the public."
Ooh la la!
Many fans speculated that Puth was seeing Danielle Campbell, who was previously linked to One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson, though Puth has never confirmed or denied who his mystery girl was. And let's be real, we're talking about something that Puth said months ago, so at this point, he may not even be seeing this secret low-key girlfriend anymore.
Guess we'll just have to cross our fingers and hopes that the next time he's on Ellen, he blurts out an actual name.