Twitter Can't Decide If "Dear David" Is Actually Scary & These Tweets Prove It
With Halloween way in the rearview mirror, you might be wondering why the internet is whipping itself up into a collective frenzy over a measly ghost story. Well, if you've been following along, then you know that the spooky "Dear David" saga has been going on for quite some time. With freaky new updates and theories regularly popping up, you might find yourself asking the question, "Is 'Dear David' scary?"
Before I settle in to the scary-or-not-so-scary debate, it's best to get some background the "Dear David" thread. Spoiler: it involves a little boy ghost with a misshapen, dented head (apparently due to an accident). It all started in August 2017, when Adam Ellis, a New York City-based artist, began sharing these haunted happenings (and ruining a good night's sleep for anyone who read them).
The initial introduction of David came in a dream, and Ellis (who suffers from sleep paralysis) saw David (with his dented head) get up from a rocking chair and "shamble" toward Ellis' bed. Another dream instructed Ellis to ask David questions beginning with "Dear David," but Ellis mustn't ask more than two. If you ask a third question, David will kill you, according to Ellis' dream. Yeah, not terrifying at all...
One night, his inquisitive nature got the best of him, and a third question was asked by Ellis. After that, the creep factor just continued to climb. There were mysterious phone calls, objects moving without any human contact, and some very upset cats. When cats can't take it, you know it's bad.
Oh, and did I mention that all of this happened even after Ellis moved into the vacant apartment above his following the initial dream (er, nightmare)?
Here's Ellis' rendering of David.
Did that creep you out? Well, get ready for more, because in November, Ellis freaking saw David in real life.
Cancel your plans for sleep tonight, because here is the picture.
Here's a close-up... so seriously, welcome to never sleeping again.
Some people have theories concerning "Dear David" that don't include an actual ghost, but that dented-headed blur is almost enough to convince (and genuinely scare) me.
Other frightened Twitter users agree.
The similarities between Ellis' apartment this Twitter users were too close for comfort.
Some tried calling on a higher power to rid their minds of David.
"Not in my house, Satan."
David is bringing people to tears.
"So chilling and disturbing."
Others are sleepless worrying about David's preoccupation with Ellis.
"I am concerned."
While some are here for it, the intensity is almost too much.
While the reality of the situation is questionable, there are some Twitter users out there that are not questioning the real AF fear inside of them after reading the "Dear David" thread.
Even if you're of the "obvi fake" camp, you can still be creeped out.
"Damn it if that little onion headed fool got me trippin’."
Seriously, you can think it's "super fake," but that picture might just send you headed for cover under your bed.
Hopefully, that's not the same bed where David is chillin'.
If David is real, perhaps he's not very good at his ghostly duties.
Or if David is (hopefully) fake, Ellis is "very committed to his act."
Even if you think "Dear David" is a work of fiction, you can still enjoy it.
"Entertaining as hell" is one way to describe it.
Or you could sidestep any fear, and just call it "all a lie."
Recounting paranormal happenings usually results in scary stories, and "Dear David" is no different. While people can debate over whether or not the story is real, there seems to be many that can agree that it is scary AF — real or not.
As for Ellis, he appears to be just as frightened as anyone — but the fact that he can stay in his apartment after allegedly seeing David in real life makes me suspicious. Maybe Ellis is just super brave, or maybe he's stringing us all along. Either way, his ability to scare almost the entirety of Twitter is well-documented, and I'm sure you'll all be waiting for the next "Dear David" update. It's not like you'll miss it because you'll be sleeping...
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