Harry Styles Didn't Show Up To The Golden Globes Red Carpet & Fans Are Angry
When many of us think of Harry Styles, our minds gravitate toward his singing chops a là One Direction, but our man Harry is actually dipping his toes into the acting waters – and is doing so in a pretty big way. Scoring a small role in Christopher Nolan's WWII epic movie, Dunkirk, Styles' acting was met with approval from movie critics – so really, is there anything that Harry can't do? From having his first solo album garner critical acclaim and his first single, "Sign of the Times," ranking No. 1 on the Billboard charts, it's obvious that Styles is a force to be reckoned with; and with Dunkirk under his belt, it seems like Styles is a jack of all trades. Now that he's basically an acting connoisseur, fans are wondering, is Harry Styles at the 2018 Golden Globes?
No, unfortunately, Harry Styles is not at the Golden Globes, and fans are pretty pissed about it. Ugh, this is the biggest bummer.
Many thought that Harry Styles would be at the Golden Globes in support of his castmates, and also because the film is nominated for quite a few awards itself, including Best Drama Motion Picture, Best Director of a Motion Picture, and Best Original Score. While Styles hadn't confirmed that he'd be attendance, he wasn't yet on his world tour (which starts in March), so it seemed like we might have caught a glimpse of the singer-turned-actor.
But man, my heart is literally deflated now that we see Styles was a no-show.
Because Harry Styles is such a prominent pop star, it makes you wonder if that was the catalyst that caused director Christopher Nolan to cast him in his role. And, according to an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, that notion couldn't be further from the truth, because LOL, Nolan had no idea just how famous Harry Styles was. He said,
I don't think I was that aware really of how famous Harry was ... I mean, my daughter had talked about him. My kids talked about him, but I wasn't really that aware of it. So the truth is, I cast Harry because he fit the part wonderfully and truly earned a seat at the table.
And if that's not incredible enough, Nolan defended his choice about selecting Styles for the role by comparing Harry Styles to Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Night. He said,
When I cast Heath Ledger as the Joker [in The Dark Knight], it raised a lot of eyebrows and caused a lot of comment ... I have to trust my instincts, and Harry was perfect for this part.
So bravo, Harry, for being a shining star in pretty much anything you choose to do.
God bless.
And if y'all were wondering if Harry was going to completely transition from pop star icon to Hollywood starlet, that's yet to be determined. In an interview with ExtraTV, he responded sort of vaguely when it came to the idea of scoring more acting roles in his future. When the reporter mentioned how Dunkirk is a pretty solid movie to have as Styles' breakout film, he said, "I feel very lucky to be a part of this project and this film, and I think the film is great," and when she later asked if there was more acting in store for him, Styles replied, "Maybe. I love this experience so much, I haven't thought too far ahead. But I loved this experience, so who knows, maybe."
Could you be any less specific, Harry?
Ugh, you're killing us!
Raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by the fact that we won't know for sure whether or not we'll be seeing more Harry Styles on the big-screen:
All of us, Harry. All of us.
So, what do we want in 2018? More Harry Styles, please.