Iskra Lawrence Revealed The Super Simple Exercise That Helps Her Work On Her Balance
What’s your fitness focus? Is it to build more stamina, muscle, improve your flexibility? What about balance? Personally, I’ve always only associated balance with yoga and pilates, and even then I never considered stability something to strive toward; it was just something I hadn’t been blessed with, and that was OK by me. Then I logged on to IG and saw Iskra Lawrence’s balance workout on her Instagram story, and girlfriend is literally sweating for the stability. I can honestly say I’ve never been more inspired to improve my own equilibrium, and luckily, the exercise looks simple enough to replicate.
Just a friendly FYI, in case you’ve been sleeping on this whole balance thing like I have, according the American Heart Association (AHA), balance is one of the four types of exercises that make up a well-balanced fitness routine (the others being strength, endurance, and flexibility). Are you shook? Because I’m definitely shook RN.
Oh, and, get a load of this: Per the AHA, despite the fact that having good balance is necessary for everyday activities you probably don’t even realize — like walking in a straight line or climbing stairs — “often we are not fully aware that we may have weak balance until we try balance exercises.” Translation: Don’t assume that just because you can get from point A to point B without stumbling means your balance is top notch. The only way to truly know if baby got balance, is to put yours to the test.
So, circling back to Lawrence’s balancing exercise — because clearly the 28-year-old model is showing up all of us — she took to Instagram earlier this week to document her efforts with a classic, gym-mirror-selfie shot. Clad in black bottoms, a black pullover (hood up, because she’s a boss), and hella clean white sneaks (seriously Iskra, what’s your secret?), the Aerie model recorded herself attempting to stay stable on what looks like a BOSU Balance Trainer, all while simultaneously sinking down into a squat position. In writing, it doesn’t sound so bad. In practice, I’m willing to bet the exercise is at least a little challenging.
“My balance ain’t the one, so this helps,” Lawrence captioned the video, an obvious nod to her wobbly knees. Though, I have to give credit where credit is due, and coming from someone who has very little balance, I think Lawrence does a damn good job staying stable, and making it look easy, to boot — which is pretty much a running theme for the body-positivity advocate.
In case you didn’t know, or if for some reason you aren’t following Lawrence on Instagram or her YouTube channel (and if that’s the case, um, why?), the British beauty is all about balance on a broader scale. She loves to work out according to her rules, her schedule, and she's always offering tips and tricks on her favorite moves and equipment. Clearly, a balance training tool is among them.
Maybe you’re looking at these photos and thinking, “OK cool, Iskra’s slaying the balance game, but what the heck is a BOSU Balance Trainer?” TBH, I was thinking the same thing. To find out, I asked certified fitness trainer and co-founder of the V Shred Online Fitness Portal, Vince Sant, for some insight.
“A BOSU Balance Trainer is a piece of fitness equipment that looks like half a balance ball connected to a sturdy platform,” Sant tells Elite Daily. Basically, the BOSU is exactly what it looks like — but what does it do, exactly?
“[The BOSU Balance Trainer] is used in workouts like the squats model Iskra Lawrence posted on her Instagram Story, and many other exercises such as planks, lunges, burpees, and hops,” Sant explains. Many people use BOSU balls for deep core work, he adds, because these are the muscles that help you stay stable and coordinated. In terms of squats, specifically, Sant tells Elite Daily that performing this exercise on a BOSU will engage your leg and glute muscles more intensely.
Sounds great, right? But here's the thing: BOSU Balance Trainers are pretty pricy, which is bad news if you're ballin' on a budget. The good news, Sant says, is that you don't necessarily need one to reap the same benefits as Lawrence.
"If you're on a budget and don't want to spend the $100 to $150," he tells me over email, "the best thing is to do these same popular moves on a workout mat."
It's cost-effective, just as beneficial as Lawrence's fancy accessory, and gives you no excuse not to practice your balancing skills. You're welcome.