January Will Feel Like A Breath Of Fresh Air For These 3 Zodiac Signs
A new year has arrived, and there's no better feeling than a fresh start. This is especially true after the year you've experienced, and it's finally time to move forward. The good news is, January 2021 will be the best month for three zodiac signs — Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius — because they have a lot to look forward to.
January will take you in a completely different direction, but with lucky Jupiter sitting together with Saturn in socially conscious Aquarius, there's no denying the revolution that's about to take place within and all around you. Speaking of change, Mars — the planet of assertion, combat, energy, and war — will shift into sensually driven Taurus on Jan. 6, just days after officially leaving its post-retrograde shadow phase. This transit will highlight themes revolving around comfort, finances, security, and stability. On Jan. 8, Mercury will slide into rebellious Aquarius, which will inspire you to look at things unconventionally and in terms of the future. Shortly after, Venus — planet of love, beauty, and pleasure — will slide into Capricorn, shedding light on relationship foundations to financial investments.
Great Awakener Uranus — the eccentric planet of rebellion, chaos, and unexpected change — will station direct on Jan. 14, a day after the new moon in Capricorn. This will inspire collective breakthroughs, especially when it comes to the planet at large.
In the midst of this collective revolution, the sun enters Aquarius on Jan. 19, bringing energy and focus to themes that revolve around society while simultaneously inspiring ideas of progression, innovation, and the new era the collective is heading into. A powerful full moon will ignite the sign of Leo on Jan. 28, and it will play a significant role on individual personalities, especially on social media. Mercury will station retrograde in Aquarius on Jan. 30, which will challenge the collective to reflect on themes revolving around community and social injustices.
Here's why Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius will thrive more than most this January:
Virgo: You're Inspired And Feeling More Confident Than Usual
Two of the largest and most intimidating planets in the solar system have officially left your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, Virgo. That means you're feeling the effects this month, and it more than likely already feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Assertive Mars will finally leave your eighth house of intimacy, transformation, and soul bonds after a long period of reflection and introspection. The sun and Venus will also spread the love in your fifth house of joy, so enjoy the fresh air.
Capricorn: You're Celebrating Another Journey Around The Sun
Happy birthday, Capricorn. Cheers to another blessed journey around the sun, and to a fabulous new year swirling with love and blessings. Then again, celebrating your birthday season is just the beginning, because that's not even the part part about January. Firstly, your ruthless planetary ruler, Saturn, is officially out of your way, which feels incredibly liberating. Second, the sun and Venus are transiting through your sign, so you're not only feeling energized, but also charming, pleasant, and perhaps a little bit seductive. Keep vibing at a high frequency — this month's full moon will be especially significant for you.
Aquarius: You're The Celestial Favorite And It Feels Good
Your birthday's around the corner, Aquarius. Although, before you get ready to embark on a new journey around the sun, take a moment to reflect on your hopes, wishes, and dreams. Lucky Jupiter is making its debut in your sign for the first time in 13 years, and the new age we're collectively stepping into has your name on it. It's time to expand your personal and professional horizons. Your rebellious planetary ruler, Uranus, also stations direct this month, which continues to quench your desire for freedom and fuel your inspirations.
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