This Theory About Jay's Mother's Day IG For Kristin Is So Messy
Warning: Extremely cringe-worthy information ahead. Remember Jay Cutler's Mother's Day Instagram for Kristin Cavallari? His followers saw a super sweet Mother's Day tribute to Cavallari on May 10. "Happy Mother's day to all the moms," the caption read. "These 3 little ones picked a good one." Despite the couple's current divorce proceedings, Cavallari commented on the tribute with a heart emoji.
But there's a twist: In a 2018 interview with USA Today, Cavallari admitted she runs Cutler's Instagram account. “I think there needs to be a little clarification on Jay’s Instagram,” she reportedly told the publication at the time. “It’s not him running it. It’s me. It’s what Jay would have if he had Instagram.”
Now, of course, Cutler technically could have taken control over his own account at some point since that interview. But, then again, there also is the possibility that Cavallari still runs it and decided to make the nice tribute to herself.
"Give Jay his Instagram," one fan commented on the Mother's Day post. "Kristin you should give Jay his Instagram back," another wrote. "Kristin, get off his account," wrote another. "YOU WONT FOOL US KRISTIN," one particularly hostile follower wrote.
When the Comments by Celebs account captured the post from Cutler's account alongside Cavallari's heart emoji comment, fans continued to voice their opinions. "That’s just weird when she runs the Instagram," one fan wrote. "Kristin, babe, we know you run this account," another wrote. "Happy Mother’s Day though." One fan even chimed in to defend Cavallari penning the tribute to herself: "Who tf cares if she runs the account?! It’s perfectly acceptable for a woman to celebrate herself!"
Whether or not Cavallari was the one who wrote it, sweet post did come as a nice break from all of the sadder news surrounding the couple as of late.
They announced their split on April 26 by posting couples pictures to their respective accounts alongside this matching caption:
With great sadness, after 10 years together we have come to a loving conclusion to get a divorce. We have nothing but love and respect for one another and are deeply grateful for the years shared, memories made, and the children we are so proud of. This is just the situation of two people growing apart. We ask everyone to respect our privacy as we navigate this difficult time within our family.
Since announcing their split, things have gotten progressively messy, as Cutler reportedly fights for joint custody over their three children and Cavallari reportedly fights for full custody.
Here's to hoping they come up with an amicable way to work things out — and that Cutler finds a way to control own his Instagram if he hasn't already.