Jennifer Lopez Revealed Why She Alex Rodriguez Work So Well & My Mascara's Running
When I first heard about Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez's relationship, I wasn't shocked... like, at all. I mean, if anything, it was more shocking to me that the couple hadn't managed to find each other earlier. Like, let's face it. These two were meant to be. So it comes as no shock that ever since they made their relationship public back in Feb. 2017, they've been totally and completely in love. Don't believe me? Just read Jennifer Lopez's quotes about Alex Rodriguez in a recent radio interview.
In the interview on the Cubby and Carolina in the Morning radio show, Lopez said that there won't be any nuptials happening anytime soon. But that doesn't mean she's not totally enamored by her athletic bae.
"I think we’re both in a good place in our lives,” Lopez, 49, told the show's hosts. “And I think maybe if we would have met in our 20s, maybe not so much… we were both… we’re too crazy. But now at this point in our lives where we both have kids, we both have accomplished certain things in our careers and we’re kinda in that second act of our lives, we really complement each other. It’s like, where I need help, he’s really strong and where he needs help I’m really strong."
My heart feels so warm and fuzzy just reading that. Imagine being in a relationship where you each just know exactly how to be there for each other. It's beautiful.
"When two people just fit together really well — he and I are like that," Lopez continued on the show.
The "Dinero" singer also opened up about what it's like to blend their two families. You see, they each have children from previous relationships. Lopez has her 10-year-old twins, Emme and Maximilian, from her marriage to Marc Anthony. On the other hand, Rodriguez has his daughters Ella, 10, and Natasha, 13, with his ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis.
“Honestly it couldn’t be better,” J. Lo said on the radio show of their new family dynamic. "The four of them are amazingly special kids. I mean, of course I’m going to say that because I’m their mom, but they are and they’re sweet and they’re loving and they deal with us and our lifestyle in such a great way. And they love each other, they get along so good."
She continued, "We couldn’t have asked for more… that stuff can be tricky sometimes and I think a lot of people understand that. I’ve had other relationships where it’s been tricky but with these four it really works nicely."
So happy for this adorable couple! Here's to hoping that, whether or not they make it down the aisle, they're able to sustain this level of total happiness forever.
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