Kanye West Posted A Screenshot Of His Texts With John Legend & It’s Intense
Wow, you guys. Just wow. Kanye West is having a bit of a moment on Twitter (honestly though, when is he not), and it's catching the attention of some other A-list celebs. Recently, West took to Twitter to show his support for Donald Trump — tweeting a photo of a signed MAGA hat, as well as saying that he "doesn't agree with 100 percent" with Donald Trump, but called him his "brother." It was pretty odd, and many people are wondering why West is tweeting out this information seemingly out of left field. And now, we have John Legend's response to Kanye West's tweets, and it is really, really intense, you guys.
On Thursday, April 26, West tweeted out a photo of what seems to be a text message conversation between him and John Legend. Within the text, Legend asks West to "reconsider aligning" himself with Donald Trump, partly because West yields so much power, and that his voice speaks to so many people on so many different levels, particularly "people of color." He urged West to stop endorsing Trump because he doesn't want to see this to be a part of West's legacy, and finished by calling West "the greatest artist of our generation":
West responded, saying that he loves Legend, but that "bringing up my fans or my legacy is a tactic based on fear used to manipulate my free thought":
Legend responded (most epically), by telling West, "Think freely. Think with empathy and context too. Your words and actions have consequences. Much love" and hilariously added, "And since you're posting texts, let me add that I have a new single out haha" and OH MY GOD I LOVE JOHN LEGEND SO MUCH.
Chrissy Teigen has also chimed in on the matter, joking that, "This is the most elaborate and complex google pixel phone ad I have ever seen." Way to break that ice, Chrissy!
All of this comes after John Legend took to Twitter on April 25, around the same time Kanye West was tweeting out his support for Donald Trump. Legend's thread is a bit lengthy, but incredibly moving and worthy of looking over.
He started off by writing, "I imagine there’s some comfort in imagining a future without racism and projecting that onto the present. Thinking if we just deny the truth, it doesn’t exist. If history is erased, we don’t have to deal with its consequences. However… Far too many people don’t have the luxury of closing their eyes and ears. They feel it in their lives and can’t act like what they see and know doesn’t exist."
He finished by writing, "I love that great, brilliant artists have the power to imagine a better future. But artists can't be blind to the truth."
Those are some pretty powerful words, y'all.
Kanye West is also coming under fire from some fans after tweeting about watching the Cleveland Cavaliers, alluding to the fact that he's supporting Tristan Thompson despite reports that he cheated on Khloé Kardashian (Elite Daily reached out to Thompson and Kardashian's teams for comment on the reports). On April 25, after his series of tweets, West wrote, "that's the last tweet of the day. I did that one for my god-brother Puff. Now ima go watch the Cavs."
And, while he technically didn't shout-out Tristan Thompson personally, the tweet was more than a few Kardashians could handle, because Kylie Jenner and Khloé Kardashian unfollowed Kanye West. There is no definitive proof that the two unfollowed Yeezy before (or after) his series of tweets about Trump or the Cleveland Cavaliers, but methinks it was *probably* after. Just a hunch. Elite Daily reached out to Jenner and Kardashian's teams to confirm when they unfollowed the rapper, but did not hear back by the time of publication.
I'm not really sure where this leaves us, if I'm being honest. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what gets tweeted out next.