
Love Is In The Air For These 3 Zodiac Signs In July

by Valerie Mesa
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I have to admit, whenever the summertime rolls around, the first thing I think about is the movie Grease, when Danny and Sandy fall in love on the beach. My lean toward the romantic probably makes it so obvious I'm a Cancer, but I'm not the only one who's in for a love-inspired month. In fact, July 2019 will be the most romantic for these three zodiac signs, and it's because the season of the crab is also the season of the hopeless romantic. If you've got placements in Cancer, Capricorn, or Pisces, whether you're single and ready to mingle or madly in love with your SO, there's nothing better than a summer romance.

In astrology, the sun is a symbol of your ego and soul purpose. It's also the center of this universe, not to mention Leo's ruling planet. Beyond being ruled by the sun, the element fire is a key ingredient to the essence of summer — it's a symbol of creation, fertility, and passion. I know I said Cancer season was the season of the hopeless romantic, but Leo is its heart.

Aside from nurturing your heart and finding the emotional security you crave during Cancer season, the summer is also a time to tap into your inner child and to — my personal fave — fall in love. Although Leo is known for its attention-seeking personality, Leo is also responsible for the butterflies you feel whenever you feel overjoyed, excited, or — yep, you guessed it — on the cusp of love.

Here's what the summer has in store for Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces:

Cancer: You're Making Things Official

Happy birthday, Cancer! Aside from dazzling your peers with a wondrous birthday glow, things might also start getting serious between you and your SO. Imagine, with Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships, you're solidifying your relationships during this time, which means things could go either way. No matter what, with luscious Venus sashaying through your sign this month, you'll be as irresistible as ever.

Capricorn: You're Nurturing Your Partnerships

In your feels these days, Capricorn? I know you've been going through a lot, and probably the last thing on your mind is romance. Part of your challenge with this Saturn-Pluto-South Node conjunction in your sign is to surrender. Are you afraid of being vulnerable in your relationships? Maybe you're afraid of rejection? Whatever the case may be, this is an excellent time for healing and nurturing, so don't let it go to waste.

Pisces: You're Falling Head Over Heels

Bow chicka wow wow! Feeling smitten, Pisces? Aside from the fact that Cancer is your kryptonite, this astrological season shakes up your expressive fifth house of romance, creativity, and individual truth. So whether you're falling in love with the hottie next door or simply feeling immensely grateful for all of your accomplishments thus far, this is a time for you to bask in self-love. You of all people deserve to be happy, so make sure to celebrate your wins.

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