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If You're Any Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, July Will Be Full Of Romance

by Valerie Mesa
Originally Published: 

Falling in love is easy, especially in the summertime. July is action-packed with transits, some of which are incredibly potent — like the lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5 — and you'll have plenty of opportunities for love this month, especially because July 2020 will be the most romantic for those with Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius placements. For those with these signs in their charts, each of the upcoming transits will activate their most lovable sectors.

July kicks off with structured Saturn reentering its sign of rulership Capricorn for the last time before officially shifting into revolutionary Aquarius on December 17. Given that Saturn won't be back in Capricorn for the next 27 to 29 years, Saturn's retrograde cycle through its sign of rulership marks a pivotal moment in history. Both Jupiter and Pluto are retrograding through Capricorn as we speak, which means we're all feeling the effects of Saturn's celestial comeback on existing government systems and authority figures.

The full moon lunar eclipse on July 5 will be especially potent because Jupiter retrograde will sit close to Pluto retrograde at 23 degrees Capricorn, just a few a degrees away from Saturn. This synergy of planetary energies will continue to dismantle structures and systems that no longer serve you. Remember, Capricorn wants to solidify things — your relationships included — that will benefit you in the long run.

Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius will likely thrive in the love department this month, and here's why.

Aries: You're Flirtatious And Fiercely Passionate

It's been a challenging couple of months but that's all about to change, Aries. In addition the effects of the lunar eclipse in Capricorn — which will ignite your ambitious tenth house of career, professionalism, and authority figures — you'll feel an instant sense of relief once the sun shifts into your sister fire sign, Leo, on July 22. You thrive in your element — fire — and the sun will beam directly through your expressive fifth house of passion, love, and romance. The fifth house is also the heart of your birth chart, so you can probably imagine what happens when the sun energizes and revitalizes this area. Lady Venus will also be direct via your chatty third house of immediate circles and communication, so don't be afraid to use your words to get what you desire.

Libra: You're Finally Feeling Like Yourself Again

Romance is your main thrill in life, Libra. I'm not going to lie to you, getting through the lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5 will probably be the most challenging part of the month for you, considering the supercharged energies coming along with it, but there's still plenty for you to look forward to. Your luscious planetary ruler, Venus, will already be direct via your expressive fifth house of love, so aside from feeling like yourself again, you'll also be given a sweet burst of romantic inspiration, thanks to the goddess of love. The sun will also enter playful Leo on July 22, and this will energize and revitalize your 11th house of friends and extended community, which is great energy for socializing. This includes swiping right and double-tapping, so feel free to go all the way for it when it comes to love.

Sagittarius: You're Ready To Rekindle Your Flame

The possibilities are endless, Sagittarius. And though reflecting on your values and owning up to your self-worth will be just as much as a challenge as it is a priority for you this month — thanks to the lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5 — the cosmos are also giving you the opportunity to work on your relationships. Venus — the planet of charm, love, and relationships — will have already stationed direct via your committed seventh house of partnerships, and this will bring you some much-needed comfort in your one-on-one partnerships. The sun will also shift into Leo via your expansive ninth house of wisdom, philosophy, and opportunity on July 22, which is wonderful for planning your next adventure.

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