Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Are On The Cover Of 'Vogue' Together Looking So In Love
Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are cover stars! The newlyweds have just been revealed as the subjects of Vogue's March cover story, and Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin's Vogue cover is some serious glam. In the first interview they've done since getting married — and their only joint interview, period — the couple opens up about what binds them together and how they went from being close friends to dating, dating to an explosive breakup, and from an explosive breakup to a whirlwind romance that led to marriage.
It's pretty surprising the couple opted to do an interview about their relationship, given they've been famously private about it since getting back together in late 2018. In the interview, Baldwin and Bieber revealed that the one common denominator in their relationship, whether good or bad at the time, was church. The two met through Bieber's mother and Baldwin's father and their connections to the church they all frequented. This was way back when the Bieber Fever first hit, but Baldwin insists she was never a Belieber — at least not a superfan Belieber.
She said,
I was never a superfan, of him or of anyone. It was never that crazed, screaming thing. I didn’t think about it in any kind of way except for the fact that he was cute. Everybody had a crush on him. But for the first few years we had a weird age gap.
But things changed years later.
“One day Justin walked into Hillsong and was like, ‘Hey, you got older.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, what’s up?’" she continued. "Over time he became my best guy friend. I was running around with him as his homie, but we weren’t hanging out [romantically].”
That friendship turned into a relationship, and that relationship turned into a bad breakup that the couple hinted was the result of some kind of betrayal on one of their parts.
“Negative things happened that we still need to talk about and work through,” Baldwin explained. “Fizzled would not be the right word—it was more like a very dramatic excommunication. There was a period where if I walked into a room, he would walk out.” She went on to say that one day, when they were both at a Hillsong Church conference in Miami in June 2018, the drama just completely dissipated.
Baldwin said, "The common denominator, I promise you, is always church. By then we were past the drama. I just gave him a hug. By the end of the conference, he was like, ‘We’re not going to be friends.’ I was like, ‘We’re not?’" One month after this exchange at the Hillsong Church, they were engaged.
And now, they're married and on the cover of Vogue.
They're officially husband and wife thanks to the civil ceremony they had at an NYC courthouse in September 2018. But don't worry, they're still planning that blowout wedding that will include the religious ceremony they're looking for.
The couple's main struggle that they map out in the interview is trust. Bieber, having been wicked famous since he was 13 years old, struggles a lot with trusting that peoples' intentions with him are good-natured. It's this anxiety that he's being used that makes it difficult for him to trust Baldwin at times.
“It’s been so hard for me to trust people,” Bieber said. “I’ve struggled with the feeling that people are using me or aren’t really there for me, and that writers are looking to get something out of me and then use it against me."
He continued,
One of the big things for me is trusting myself. I’ve made some bad decisions personally, and in relationships. Those mistakes have affected my confidence in my judgment. It’s been difficult for me even to trust Hailey.
Then, speaking to Baldwin, he said, "We’ve been working through stuff. And it’s great, right?” Baldwin explains that what makes them work is that they have an opposites-attract vibe going on. Where Bieber is emotional, Baldwin is logical, and it helps them keep a balance.
“I’m the emotionally unstable one,” Bieber said. “I struggle with finding peace. I just feel like I care so much and I want things to be so good and I want people to like me." He continued, "Hailey’s very logical and structured, which I need. I’ve always wanted security—with my dad being gone sometimes when I was a kid, with being on the road. With the lifestyle I live, everything is so uncertain. I need one thing that’s certain. And that is my baby boo.”
Oh... so Bieber calls Baldwin his baby boo. That's... cute? Yeah, let's go with cute.
It's clear through this interview that Baldwin, while she doesn't explicitly say it, is self-conscious about the public opinion surrounding their relationship. She makes it clear in the interview that she's aware of how it looks — they're young, famous, and didn't date for very long — but she maintains that they're both committed to making the marriage work.
Bieber, on the other hand, said that he wants things to be a little more relaxed.
“She’s trying to be this grown-up,” Bieber said. “I think we can be married and still have fun and enjoy our adolescence. That’s something we’re talking about.”
“It’s just that I’m fighting to do this the right way, to build a healthy relationship,” Baldwin chimed in. “I want people to know that. We’re coming from a really genuine place. But we’re two young people who are learning as we go."
She went on,
I’m not going to sit here and lie and say it’s all a magical fantasy. It’s always going to be hard. It’s a choice. You don’t feel it every single day. You don’t wake up every day saying, ‘I’m absolutely so in love and you are perfect.’ That’s not what being married is. But there’s something beautiful about it anyway—about wanting to fight for something, commit to building with someone.
Basically, Baldwin and Bieber know marriage is hard and scary.
"We’re really young, and that’s a scary aspect," she added. "We’re going to change a lot. But we’re committed to growing together and supporting each other in those changes. That’s how I look at it. At the end of the day, too, he’s my best friend. I never get sick of him."
“And you’re my baby boo," Bieber threw in. Yo, this is interview is cute and everything, but Justin... please stop saying "baby boo."