Kanye West Thinks 'Deadpool 2' Copied His Sound & Ryan Reynolds' Response Was Epic
Kanye West is a fan of Deadpool. The rapper took to Twitter on June 12 to let Ryan Reynolds know just that, and to also essentially pitch his music for the soundtrack of Deadpool 3 if that ever becomes a thing. Ryan Reynolds, being Ryan Reynolds, capitalized on the opportunity and tweeted the perfect response to Ye, and Kanye West and Ryan Reynolds' tweets about Deadpool 2 are the celebrity social media interaction you never knew you needed.
It all started when West tweeted about the Deadpool franchise. "I love both Deadpool movies," West tweeted with a bunch of fire emojis. What he doesn't love so much about the movies, however, is that the music on both soundtracks are similar to his style (so he says) and he was never asked to be featured on the albums. "I heard tracks in it that sound similar to mine… bro I would have cleared my music for Deadpool …" he said. It may sound like West was accusing Deadpool of copying his music for the albums, but personally, I think this was West saying he would've given the rights to his music to Deadpool had he been asked.
Reynolds (who's never one to pass up the opportunity to make a joke) said he agreed with West and that the music sounded far too similar to the rapper's work. He's going to have to have a stern talk with the artist who clearly copied West!! "Agree," Reynolds tweeted. "I'm having a word with Celine Dion."
The idea that Celine Dion's "Ashes" from the Deadpool 2 soundtrack was in any way inspired by Kanye West is making me weak. Clearly, it wasn't, but Reynolds perfectly trolled West with that line. Here's hoping Deadpool 3 becomes a thing and Kanye West makes some new music for the soundtrack like Kendrick Lamar did for Black Panther. And maybe a Celine Dion/Kanye West collabo? Just throwing that out there.
Let's talk about the "Ashes" music video for a second, though. Have you seen it? Deadpool himself dances in heels alongside Celine Dion while she sings the Bond-like tune (which totally, definitely, without a doubt was inspired by Kanye West's music).
Spoiler alert: It's not actually Ryan Reynolds dancing in that Deadpool suit and heels (shocker). It's dancer/choreographer Yanis Marshall, who has made an internet celebrity out of himself thanks to his dancing exclusively in high heels. He was first introduced to the world when he appeared on Britain's Got Talent in 2014 and has been traveling the world teaching dance classes in high heels ever since.
Now, being a Yanis Marshall stan myself, I recognized his dancing in the "Ashes" video almost immediately. But had I not known who Marshall was, I'd say his appearance as the merc with a mouth in the video was pretty convincing.
Reynolds posted on Instagram in honor of Marshall after the video released thanking him for his work (and his heels).
He said,
Ever wonder, 'How does Ryan Reynolds dance so beautifully? Did he have 8 bones surgically removed from his body in order to move as if a graceful swan had sex with Fred Astaire?' The answer may surprise you. Yes. I did have 8 bones removed from my body. But the dancing was all @yanismarshall. This man is not just a dancer... he’s an elite athlete, hero, and all around hilarious person. Follow him on Instagram. Put him in movies. Throw confetti at his feet when you see him. He is a gift to this weary world. #Deadpool2
While it was Marshall dancing throughout the whole video, the real Deadpool came out at the end asking Celine Dion to... tone it down a bit. Honestly, the gall. He says at the end of the video, "CELINE! That was amazing. That was the most beautiful performance I've ever seen in my life ... We need to do it again." He continues, "It's too good. This is Deadpool 2, not Titanic. You're at, like, an 11. We need to get you down to a five, five and a half tops." Dion jokes back, "Listen, this thing only goes to 11, so beat it, Spider-Man." Deadpool responds, "God, I should've asked *NSYNC." No, Ryan, you apparently should've asked Kanye West.