Kanye West Broke His Instagram Silence To Post A Valentine's Day Message For Kim K
Kanye West is back on Instagram, and the reasoning is actually very sweet. Any time I read anything about Kanye, I have literally no idea what to expect. I think the rapper likes to keep us all on our toes. However, it looks like Kanye and Kim celebrate Valentine's Day the old-fashioned way — with loving posts on social media. Kanye West's Instagram post about Kim Kardashian for Valentine's Day is so fitting for the holiday.
In May, Kanye deleted his Instagram, didn't show up for the precious Met Gala red carpet, and seemed to be completely MIA. I mean, Kim and Kanye rock the Met Gala theme every year — so, what was the deal?
There were a few theories floating around about him possibly dropping a new album or disappearing for publicity. However, one of the more sound arguments was that Kanye just needed a little rest to focus on his health. A source told Entertainment Tonight after the Met Gala in May of 2017,
He's focusing on getting back into the public spotlight really slow. That's the main reason why he didn't want to go to the Met Ball. He's still very close friends with Anna and loves her dearly, but right now it's all about him and staying healthy. Going to the biggest fashion event of the year is something that will not help him stay on the right track to getting better. Fashion is Kayne's passion — and going on Monday night may seem like just a little appearance at an event, but Kanye would have gotten SO involved in the entire process.
Even Yeezus needs a break from the spotlight every once in a while. It looks like he's back and ready to show a little love to his wifey. In true Kanye fashion, he kept things minimal AF. The caption-less photo featured a stark-white card with "Happy Valentines Day Babe" written across it in black marker. He liked the simplicity so much, he even made it his Instagram profile picture.
Kanye spent the rest of Feb. 14 posting photos of iconic celebrity couples — a few who have broken up and others who are still together. Some of the photos include: a young Michelle and Barack Obama, Kate Moss and Johnny Depp, Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio and Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi. Who knew Kanye was such a sucker for love?
Kim couldn't help hopping on the Valentine's Day love train and posting her own photo. The adorable shot is of Kanye hugging the starlet from behind, and a rare Kim giggle is even featured. The caption read, "I love you to infinity! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!" Guys, you're making me blush over here.
Apparently, Kanye considers his and Kim's relationship a "story for the ages." You know the old classic when a rapper and reality star fall in love and live happily ever after? Well once upon a time, Kanye told Hot 97's Angie Martinez,
Our love story's a love story for the ages. I felt like when we first got together, it was like a Romeo and Juliet kinda thing where it's like she's a reality star and I'm a rapper…
Although Kanye may be a little hard for the general public to understand, Kim adores him. She gushed to Ellen DeGeneres, "He's the most romantic guy I have ever met. He's better than any movie or romantic novel."
With three kids and mad love for each other, Kim and Kanye are definitely in it for the long haul. He's not about to "lose his dinosaur," according to the rapper's quote in GQ during a 2014 interview. He said,
Like they said in Step Brothers: Never lose your dinosaur. This is the ultimate example of a person never losing his dinosaur... You mean to tell me that this girl with this f—ng body and this face is also into style, and she's a nice person, and she has her own money and is family-oriented? That's just as cool as a f—ng fighter jet or dinosaur! And just as rarely seen.
Happy Valentine's day, you crazy kids. Welcome back to Insta, Kanye, we've missed you.
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