Kesha’s New Year’s Beauty Resolution Involves A No-Makeup Selfie, Freckles, & Tons Of Self-Love
Admittedly, Kesha’s New Year’s beauty resolution is a little late, as we've been living la vida 2019 for a few weeks now. However, when you hear it, I'm sure you'll excuse the lateness, because it's really sweet and all about self-love. If you remember Kesha's early days — like, back when she was Ke$ha — you might recall her rocking a whole lot of makeup, complete with heavy black liner, the occasional blue lip, and glitter pretty much anywhere it would stick. As she's matured, she's definitely adapted a more laid-back look, but now she's on a mission to embrace herself and her skin more wholly than ever before.
In 2018, Instagram was overwhelmed by the "magic" of Facetune, and it seemed like every single selfie had been smoothed and edited to the max. Many fall prey to the temptation of photoshopping their images, and in 2019, Kesha isn't here to judge, but she is here to embrace her own natural beauty and not hold herself to unreasonable, unattainable standards. "this year my resolution is to love myself," she wrote in a caption on Instagram and Twitter, "just as I am, all fucked up and imperfect and whatever else. And to let my freckles liiiiiiiive."
Honestly, this took my breath away. How stunning, right?
I'm almost a little upset Kesha has been hiding these beautiful freckles from us for so long. I can't stop looking at the photo! Her natural beauty is overwhelming, and I'm sorry for fangirling, but come on. She looks great! I knew Kesha had some freckles, but I hadn't realized just how many, and TBH, now I'm also a little curious as to what full-coverage foundations she was using, because they really got the job done.
Here's a typical Ke$ha makeup look from her "Tik Tok" days, featuring glitter and dark, lined eyes:
And of course, her signature blue lipstick, which my sisters bought me from MAC Cosmetics for my birthday so that I could wear it to one of her concerts (Thanks, ladies!):
Fast-forward to 2018 and Kesha's style had evolved enormously. Gone was the glitter, and the black liner had been replaced by fluffy lashes and beautifully bushy brows. She let a few more freckles peek through, and gave her lips a break from the blue.
It was edgy boho perfection, honestly:
And real talk? Her skin looked especially great when she let a few more of her freckles show:
I was definitely surprised at the sheer number of freckles in her latest selfie, but that surprise was immediately followed by awe and praise. And I'm not alone, as almost everyone is sending positive vibes her way, congratulating her on accepting the skin she's in and reassuring her that she's beautiful no matter what, but especially with her freckles on full display.
These are undoubtedly the most kind things anyone on Twitter has ever said, TBH:
Kesha's post also inspired others to open up about their own freckles, whether that involved sending a selfie in support or discussing their own insecurities:
And one user in particular really summed it all up best:
Moral of the story here? The skin you're in is beautiful, being unique is beautiful, having freckles or not having freckles is beautiful. We are beautiful, no matter what! And we don't get to hear it enough, so thank you to Kesha for serving us a healthy dose of self-love to carry with us into the new year.