Watch Khloé Awkwardly Shut Down Tristan When He Says "I Love You"
What do you do when your ex hits you with a rogue L-bomb via FaceTime? You watch Khloé Kardashian’s response to Tristan Thompson saying “I love you” and follow her utterly perfect lead. The iconic moment happened on a Dec. 1 episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians during a FaceTime call Khloé had with Tristan and their daughter True.
At first, things are pretty tame. Tristan has True for the night and he's FaceTiming Khloé to give her a chance to say good night before their daughter goes to bed. It's all pretty standard stuff, until Tristan up and decides to conclude the cute family conversation by hitting Khloé with, "All right, love you." While she could have made the conversation even more awk with any number of responses, Khloé kept things as chill as humanly possible by simply saying, "Bye... thank you," as if he'd just complimented her hair. (And her hair looks great here, so.)
Most of us would have to call our besties to immediately recap a convo as awk as that, but, luckily for Khloé, her BFF Malika Haqq was there to witness the entire cringe-y convo firsthand. "I don't know what to say," Khloé vented after she hung up with True and Tristan. "I just think now, I've already seen how this ride goes and I don't enjoy it. So it's like why would I want to do it for a third time?"
The profession of love didn't come completely out of the blue. Earlier in the episode, Khloé admitted she knew her ex was trying to win her back. “Lately Tristan has been telling me he’s sorry and that he loves and appreciates me,” Khloé shared. “But right now, the most I can handle is co-parenting. I really believe that Tristan wants more than that but that’s not what I’m about.”
What could have lead Khloé to believe that her ex wanted more? Well, in addition to the random FaceTime love profession, he also surprised her with a diamond necklace aaaand a diamond promise ring. Totes casual.
Unfortunately for Tristan, Khloé was majorly not down for any of her gifts. “I was like, I really appreciate it, but I don’t think I can accept it,’ ” she told Scott Disick of her reaction to the promise ring. "‘This is a beautiful new you that I’m seeing, I just don’t want there to be any blurred lines or for you to think anything.’" Oh, and if you were wondering what the ring looks like, Scott said it "looks fully like an engagement [ring]." So, there's that.
While it doesn't look like Tristan and Khloé are going to get back together any time soon, the important thing is it looks like they really are going to make their relationship work (at least as friends) for the sake of True.