Twitter Is Dragging Kim K HARD For "Bragging" About Renting A Private Island For Her B-Day
Kim Kardashian lives life a little differently than the rest of us. She has endless funds and resources at her fingertips, and what may seem like a casual vacation to her, is the kind of trip most will only ever dream of. At this point, fans are used to seeing snapshots of her lavish life online, but they think her most recent post went too far. Kim Kardashian's tweet bragging about renting a private island for her birthday has fans understandably upset.
Kardashian turned 40 years old on Oct. 21, and celebrated with a secret trip to a tropical destination. Kim K took all her closest friends and family with her, keeping the location under wraps until the very end. Eventually, it was disclosed they chose Tahiti for the birthday excursion, renting an island out entirely for themselves.
Kardashian took to Twitter on Oct. 27 to reflect on the whirlwind trip, assuring fans that each and every person had been Covid tested before embarking their planes. "After 2 weeks of multiple health screens and asking everyone to quarantine, I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time," she explained.
Kardashian then shared more specific details of her week in Tahiti, with highlights including beach-side movie nights and kayaking excursions.
"We danced, rode bikes, swam near whales, kayaked, watched a movie on the beach and so much more," Kardashian tweeted. "I realize that for most people, this is something that is so far out of reach right now, so in moments like these, I am humbly reminded of how privileged my life is."
Many fans felt like Kardashian missed the mark of gratitude and erred on the side of bragging, not to mention woefully out of touch. The reply section of her tweet was heated, with people saying she should have stayed silent about her trip during a pandemic where many at home are struggling. After all, they can't just "pretend things were normal" by renting out a private island.
"You could’ve donated the shit ton of money that was spent on this vacation, so many people are struggling to pay rent. No one can afford to think of a vacay right now. But yeah, stay humble Kim," one person tweeted.
Another tweeted: "Congrats on this nomination for most tone deaf tweet of the year. You want normal? Try people unemployed, at food banks, teaching kids at home, or worse in the hospital by the tens of THOUSANDS!"
"Are you that insensitive you don’t realise this is not what the majority of people during the worst covid spike yet want to hear?" musician Peter Frampton teeted. "People are going to food banks not private islands."
I'm all about an attitude of gratitude, but Kardashian definitely missed the mark with this one.