Kit Harington & Rose Leslie's Astrological Compatibility Says Their Love Is Kissed By Fire
Before there was Jon and Dany, there was an arguably even more exciting romance on Game of Thrones: Jon and Ygritte. As much as I stan the (admittedly problematic) current love story, a part of my heart never left the cave, if you know what I'm saying. And since Kit Harington and Rose Leslie are a married couple in real life, it never has to. Much like their characters, Kit Harington and Rose Leslie's astrological compatibility shows that these two are literal star-crossed lovers, which explains why their road to the aisle had its bumpy patches.
If you aren't familiar with their real-life love story, Cosmopolitan reported the couple started off as friends, but once they began working together on season two of Game of Thrones, the sparks started to fly. Harington described falling in love with Leslie to L’Uomo Vogue back in 2011: “If you’re already attracted to someone, and then they play your love interest in the show, it becomes very easy to fall in love,” he said. Despite their romantic beginning, The Stir reported that the couple reportedly split in 2013. Fortunately, things got back on track in 2016 when they confirmed they had rekindled their romance by making their red carpet debut at the Olivier Awards in London (whew!). The couple moved in together the following year in June 2017, and announced their engagement in September. Harington and Leslie went ahead and said "I do" when they were married in June 2018. Swoon.
While their love story has a happy ending, it hit some bumps along the road. Then again, when you consider this couple's zodiac signs, it all start to make sense. Harington was born December 26 under the sign of Capricorn, and Leslie's birthday is February 9, which makes her an Aquarius. These neighboring — but almost entirely opposite — signs may not make for the most obviously compatible couple, but when it works, it works. Here’s what we can surmise about Leslie and Harington's romance, based on astrological compatibility.
Theirs is a relationship built on mutual respect and friendship.
Harington and Leslie went from friends to lovers while working together — something totally typical of Capricorn/Aquarius couples that, more often than not, start off with a connection based on mutual respect and friendship before it blossoms into romance and passion. Both of these signs tend to be very reserved when it comes to opening up and being vulnerable, so taking that time to really get to know each other before the pressure of a relationship sets in is beyond helpful.
By taking it slow this way, both signs are able to get over their respective walls and forge a deeper connection. And here's the thing: An Aquarius and Capricorn couple that successfully gets past that hurdle is well on their way to creating something really amazing and steady. It also helps that their relationship is based on a deep admiration and respect for one another and their differences.
Aquarius and Capricorn are a true example of "opposites attract".
While both signs share ambition and a true passion for life, it's their approach to these things that shows how different they really are. Capricorn is the ultimate earth sign, so they insist on tackling life with a very grounded approach. Whereas air sign Aquarius sees the world through a much more cerebral and open-minded lens. This could create a major rift between the two signs, were it not for how straightforward they both are in their communication styles.
If they're motivated enough to make things work, these two different communication styles can actually bring out the best in one another, with their opposite natures creating a beautiful balance. Aquarius helps Capricorn lighten up and see things through a new perspective, and Cap helps Aquarius with the day-to-day practicalities of life that they sometime forget to deal with. Plus, both of their signs' aversions to drama and conflict means they're willing to talk things through in a productive way.
Their sexual compatibility is all about love and laughter.
While Capricorn and Aquarius’ differences may mean that life outside of the bedroom requires a lot of patience and compromise, it's fire that fuels their passion inside the bedroom. They find each other to be so unique that they can't resist being attracted to one other. So, the sexual chemistry is hot. Despite both being fairly serious personality types in most areas of their lives, when it comes to the bedroom, both agree it's the perfect excuse to lighten up, let go, and just have some fun. Rather than your romance novel variety friskiness, these two prefer their sex lives to be full of laughter, adventure, and experimentation. Basically it's a love life so lit, it's kissed by fire.
While Jon and Ygritte’s romance may have been doomed from the start because of their differences, it seems the opposite is true for the real-life love between Harington and Leslie. Honestly, I couldn't not be happier for them.