Kristen Says She & Dax Have Been "At Each Other's Throats" Lately
If quarantining with your partner has you feeling less in love than ever before, you're not alone. During a March 30 Instagram Live interview with Katie Couric, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard spoke about quarantining and the effect it's had on their marriage. And, oh man, they did not hold back.
The interview kicked off with Couric asking a pretty innocuous question: "Are you all getting along though pretty well?" There was a four-second awkward silence. (Yes, I counted.) Finally, Shepard spilled the beans. "We're getting along good with the kids and we're getting along good with adults we're friends with," he began with a smile, before finally adding, "This has been stressful for Momma and Dada."
Bell vehemently agreed with her husband's assessment. "We've been at each other's throats real bad, real bad," Bell chimed in. In fact, Shepard noted that their squabbling "just ended, like, eight minutes ago."
Bell pointed out that she was sitting right next to her husband, explaining, "This is as physically close as we've been in a couple of days 'cause we've just found each other revolting."
Before stepping away for the remainder of the almost eight-minute-long interview, Shepard through a quick jab Bell's way by joking that "America's sweetheart has some character defects." Oof.
When Shepard stepped away from the frame, Couric asks an extremely annoyed-looking Bell what her husband is doing, to which she responds, "Just making noises to poke me." In order to help the couple out, Couric suggested they take some time apart from each other within their house.
But Bell didn't exactly see it as a viable option. "It's impossible," she lamented. "He's too big, Katie. He's too loud and he's too big. He's everywhere."
Before you go mourning the demise of your favorite celeb couple, rest assured they're no strangers to disagreement. In fact, they've both been extremely open about the fact that their relationship started off with lots of fighting. "Our relationship wasn’t perfect... We had a couple years of fighting and of growing pains and hating each other, then loving each other and going to couples therapy and we worked it out… We earned each other," Bell once told Entertainment Tonight in a November 2015 interview.
Even before the coronavirus outbreak triggered a quarantine, they've had to put effort into making their relationship work. “It is not easy to work around another human being, but if you commit to it, you can pretty much permanently respect that person, but then it doesn’t really matter if you disagree because you still respect that person," Bell told Us Weekly in an August 2017 interview, adding she disagrees with Shepard on "90 percent of the issues on the planet." She continued, "But on a daily basis, he just makes me laugh all the time. He’s obsessed with attention, so he’s constantly making jokes to try to get me to give him more attention or to get me to giggle. And you know, he was a standup comedian, so I’m living with a comedian.”
Hopefully both Shepard and Bell are able to get to that place of respect and come out of this quarantine stronger than ever before.