Let Elite Daily's December Issue, "Like Magic," Be Your New Year's Spark
Let's just admit it up front: the holidays are exhausting. There's so much pressure to buy it all, do it all, enjoy it all, and have The Best New Year's Eve Ever that you're probably ready to ditch it all and spend the next four weeks planning your NYE Seamless order (get the chicken fingers). But Elite Daily's fourth and final issue of 2018, Like Magic, offers a pretty sweet alternative: tuning in to what really matters to you.
This issue is about paying attention: looking beyond the surface for signs and clues about the person you're becoming. Instead of inventorying all of the things you need to fix and get in order to be a better friend, date better, go on better vacations, make everything about you better, wouldn't it be nice if all of the answers were already there, if you just knew where to look?
With Like Magic, they are.
And who better to kick off the magic of our final issue of 2018 than our cover star, Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina star Jaz Sinclair? Coming off the whirlwind success of the first season, Sinclair stunned us not only with her on-set fashion and beauty #mood, but also with her deep takes on what still needs to change in Hollywood, feminism, and the magic you can work in your own life.
"I just think our lives are our story that we tell, and we have more say in what that story looks like than we think," Sinclair tells Elite Daily. "And, for me, a big part of self-care is telling a story that I like and watching my life reflect that.”
One look at these photos, and you'll see why playing it safe is so last year.
Now that you're thoroughly inspired, let us help you manage the festivities ahead, starting with your holiday shopping. We took the guesswork (and the stress) out of buying for everyone on your list with the latest installment of Add To Cart, called Witch, Please. It boasts the perfect little something for everyone in your life, inspired by their zodiac sign.
Next up, wardrobe planning: Before you hit up any holiday party this year — whether it's your office's or your best friend's — you have to do two things: first, find out what everyone is wearing so you don't clash in photos, and second, decide on the mood of your look. Are you going to keep it low-key, or are you going to go there with a get-up that announces you've arrived? No matter your vibe, take some makeup inspo from the Mood Beauty photoshoot our style editor dreamed up. One look at these photos, and you'll see why playing it safe is so last year.
And if you're not such a planner and have left your festive holiday look to the last minute, our first installment of Ready In 5 is there for you. In five minutes (really — we timed it) we show you how to nail a perfect gold-inspired pout and lids that'll keep you sparkling no matter how many times you refill your glass. So while everyone else is still fighting for space in front of the bathroom mirror, you'll have more time on the dance floor.
As the new year approaches, we're also thinking about the future and envisioning what could be next. That makes this a great moment for an installment of our I Have The Job You Want series. This time around, we interviewed Heather Askinosie, a crystal expert and the founder of the crystal company Energy Muse, and everything she says is fascinating. Her occupation is literally finding crystals that make people's lives better. If it leaves you contemplating a career change, you're not alone.
And if crystals (or quitting your job) aren't yet your thing, what about a different approach to getting a sense of where you're going: figuring out your aura. We asked Arturo Castro from Broad City to come with us to get his aura read for our first-ever Take Me With You, and what the photographer reveals about him is both surprising and completely on brand. Plus, his comments on how to create your own magic are not to be missed.
Deeper in this issue, you'll find Moonsplaining, a series where we challenged five Elite Daily writers to try five different astrological and zodiac-based services aimed at helping them become the people they want to be. See how a past-life regression changes one of their lives and how a friendship chakra cleansing frees another from the things holding her back. You're going to be amazed, and then you're going to want to call for your own appointment.
And if you're searching for slightly more accessible clues about how to shift your situation, check out our Body Language series. Not only will you learn about the vibes your partner(s) are giving off in (and out) of relationships, but you'll also find out how you can use your body to help you find love, and what changes and how when you've found a new SO.
The last piece of Like Magic is Each Sign @, which will help you anticipate how everyone (including you!) is going to behave when you finally head home for the holidays — based on their sign, of course. You'll learn more your high school friends than you ever thought possible, and you'll want to regram yours immediately.
Whatever it is you're seeking for this holiday season, I hope you find it. But more than anything, I hope you realize that chances are, you already have everything you need. Hey, it's written in the stars.
-Kylie McConville, Managing Editor, Elite Daily