Lil Dicky's "Earth" Music Video Stars Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande As A Baboon & Zebra
I wish I could have said I saw this coming, but man, I sure didn't. Music fans have always been tuned into what's going on with their favorites like Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber, but if you told me they'd be appearing in a Lil Dicky music video sometime soon, I wouldn't believe you. And yet, here we are. Not only are the two major celebrities collaborating with the funny rapper who is famous for his hits "Freaky Friday" and "Lemme Freak," they are popping up in the form of animated characters. Lil Dicky's "Earth" music video stars Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande as a baboon and zebra, among 28 other famous faces — er — voices that show up!
Lil Dicky dropped his collab with Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, and more on Friday, April 19, after teasing it on Twitter the Monday prior. It starts with Lil Dicky confronting a bunch of obnoxious kids who knocked over a trash can before it segways into an animated masterpiece starring all your faves as animals... and Kevin Hart as Kanye West and Leonardo DiCaprio as Leonardo Dicaprio.
Lil Dicky was the one who revealed just how celebrity-packed the music video was going to be via his Instagram. Cameos from your favorite stars like Leonardo DiCaprio (?!), Kevin Hart, Shawn Mendes, Halsey, and so, so, so many more people, plus the videos important message, make this small Bieber comeback that much better. While it's hard not to lose your 1990's-school-girl cool when Leo pops up holding a whole Earth on a Titanic-esque ship, fans still have their eyes on Justin's bare-butted baboon.
Please enjoy this while it lasts:
Honestly, I recommend watching it at least three more times before choosing your favorite part, lyric, or cameo. There's so much to take in! So much joy to go around! What's even cooler is that Lil Dicky explained to Ellen DeGeneres all proceeds from the song will be going towards environmental organizations as advised by Leonardo DiCaprio's foundation.
It's so much to take in.
Prior to "Earth," fans were speculating Bieber was working on new music thanks to an uptick in his social media use and the intensity in which he's talked to his fans. On March 10, he posted one particularly emotional Instagram photo of himself arm-in-arm with Kanye West and his manager Scoot Braun with the caption:
Just wanted to keep you guys updated a little bit hopefully what I’m going through will resonate with you guys. Been struggling a lot. Just feeling super disconnected and weird.. I always bounce back so I’m not worried just wanted to reach out and ask for your guys to pray for me. God is faithful and ur prayers really work thanks .. the most human season I’ve ever been in facing my stuff head on..
While the nature of the post might have been melancholy, the photo certainly suggested Biebs was clearly back in the music scene. How cool is it to know now that he was working on something this positive and fun? Today, Bieber has perhaps more inspiration to incorporate into his music than ever before. He's a married man, after all, and also made it through what seems like a particularly challenging time.
Whatever Bieber was doing during his time off, I'm glad it led him to Lil Dicky. Fans are gobbling up this collaboration up and can't wait to see what comes next!