M&M's New Flavor Tastes Like A Creamsicle & It'll Give You Summer Vibes
I'm all about putting innovative twists on food favorites. Give me a new potato chip flavor or a new fast-food menu item and I'm sold; I absolutely must try it. When I heard that one of my all-time favorite candies was coming out with a new flavor, I freaked out. M&M's new Orange Vanilla Cream flavor has arrived, and it's absolutely perfect for the summer season.
According to Delish, the M&M's brand recently released the new flavor. But if you're dying to try this new treat, you might be out of luck. The Orange Vanilla Cream M&M's are a Dollar General exclusive, so you won't be able to find them at your local supermarket. These chocolates are priced at $3.25 each or two for $6 at the stores, per Delish. But if you do live close to a Dollar General, I recommend that you go and pick these up ASAP. However, not all Dollar General stores will be carrying these new treats — so you might have to scout multiple locations to track these M&M's down.
I personally haven't tried the new flavor yet. But apparently, they're actually pretty good. According to the Junk Banter food blog, these things are life changing. The blogger wrote his review on the new flavor and boasted that "these M&M’s are some of the best I’ve ever had in my life." Now that's saying something.
Apparently, the new M&M's flavor is created using flavored white chocolate, and you'll find both orange and white M&M's in your bag. Junk Banter described the candies, and wrote, "They shouldn’t be this good, but they are that good." I'm normally not big on orange cream anything (I'm more of a Strawberry Shortcake kind of gal, if we're talking classic ice cream truck picks here), but after I read this review, I might be inclined to try these.
According to that same review on Junk Banter, these candies are absolute perfection. The orange flavor is spot-on and pairs with the cream vanilla flavor like a dream. The reviewer wrote that, "There is nothing they could have done better, outside of choosing an entirely different flavor with more mass appeal than orange creamsicle."
I definitely agree — creamsicle is a flavor that doesn't exactly get a ton of people excited. But I think that I might have to give these a try.
If you don't live near a Dollar General but still are absolutely dying to try these, I have some good news. There are a ton of listings on eBay that are selling bags of the new Orange Vanilla Cream flavor — but they're priced at well over the original cost. The cheapest single bag (with shipping included in the total price) that I could find on the website cost $11, and the most expensive cost $14.99. So if you're willing to pay that price to get your hands on this new flavor, go for it.
This release looks a lot like a new flavor that M&M's put out earlier this year. Back in February, the company released a new Neapolitan ice cream-flavored version of the candy that was exclusive to Target stores. Those were probably easier to track down since there are Target stores literally everywhere, and the decision from M&M's to make their Orange Vanilla Cream flavor exclusive to Dollar General might seem kind of random.
But alas, not everything in life is easy. Sure, it might be a little tough trying to find this new flavor. If you're big on vanilla-orange-flavored anything, I'm sure that the reward will be worth the work once you actually try them.