Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign, Starting On Halloween
It's definitely a time for tricking and treating. Mercury, the mischievous messenger planet, will officially station retrograde on Oct. 31 at exactly 11:41 a.m. ET. Traveling through the mysterious depths of the underworld in taboo-loving Scorpio, I'm about to give you the tea on how Mercury retrograde on Halloween 2019 will affect every zodiac sign.
Before I reveal how this retrograde cycle may affect you personally, let's take a closer look at the overall meaning of Mercury retrograde. Mercury is the planet of communication and thought process; ergo, the zodiac sign it travels through determines the essence of its messaging.
In mysterious Scorpio, the winged messenger god thrives as he is the only deity able to travel in and out of the underworld. With that being said, Pluto-ruled Scorpio wants a taste of all things taboo, along with whatever's hidden below the surface. Here, curious Mercury morphs into a cunning detective with a deeply psychic radar; hence, emotional themes, which you're usually reluctant to confront, could resurface during this time. When a planet retrogrades, it slows down, which adds extra oomph to the energy. In the case of Mercury in Scorpio, a number of secrets will be revealed during this time.
Here's how Mercury retrograde in Scorpio might affect you on Halloween and beyond, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: Your Intimate Unions & Shared Resources
Let's talk about sex, Aries. With Mercury traveling backward via your suspicious eight house of intimacy, transformation, and joint ventures, it's time for you to reflect on what you're giving vs. actually getting from your committed partnerships. All things related to loans, insurance, debt, and taxes might certainly come up during this time as well.
Taurus: Your Committed Partnerships & Connections
It's time to negotiate, Taurus. The messenger planet is shaking up your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, and in taboo-loving Scorpio, you'll likely be witnessing some interesting truths come to light. Don't be reluctant to talking things out, and make sure to read between the lines when signing important contracts.
Gemini: Your Health Habits & General To-Do List
You better shape up, Gemini. Mercury will retrograde via your orderly sixth house of due diligence, and this is an excellent time to reflect, reassess, and reorganize your day-to-day life. Whether it be while discovering ways to get some work off your plate, or creating a life-changing health regimen, your savvy ruling planet has your back.
Cancer: Your Passion Projects & Love Life
You're a showstopper, Cancer. Mischievous Mercury will retrograde via your expressive fifth house of love, children, and creativity, so look out for those toxic exes. (I'm kidding... not really.) Aside from the usual blasts from the past, this is an excellent time to revisit your passion projects. What inspires you? Don't be afraid to express yourself.
Leo: Your Sanctuary & Emotional Well-Being
Family matters, Leo. This is especially true with Mercury Rx shaking up your domestic fourth house home, family, and emotional intelligence. Bad news? Childhood issues that revolve around your close relatives or general foundation could resurface during this time. Nevertheless, this is an excellent time to declutter those emotions you had no choice but to repress. Learn to let it all go.
Virgo: Your Communication & Immediate Circle
Got a secret, Virgo? Your clever ruling planet will shake up your chatty third house of fun facts, petty details, gossip, and close peers; therefore, this retrograde cycle won't be anything short of interesting. In Scorpio, however, this could be tricky, so be mindful of your words and gossipy text messages during this time. Either way, pay attention to whatever comes up.
Libra: Your Finances & Sense Of Security
To splurge, or not to splurge, that is the question, Libra. With Mercury traveling backward via your money-hungry second house of cash flow, core values, pleasure, and self-worth, it's time to reflect on whether it's all worth it. Can you afford it? Who knows, you might even be subscribed to something that takes your money each month and not even know it.
Scorpio: Your Personality & General Appearance
Who are you, Scorpio? Are you happy with that, and with what you've been projecting to the rest of the world? This could be literally or figuratively speaking, because your first house of self governs your physical appearance and personality. Whatever the case, it's time for a snazzy revamp, because it's time for everyone to meet the real you.
Sagittarius: Your Inner Psyche & Private Life
Close your eyes, Sagittarius. Seriously, when was the last time you got a little shut-eye? Mercury is shaking up your secretive 12th house of closure, karma, and all things behind the scenes, so you could experience a number of spiritual revelations during this time. Also, this is an excellent time to forgive yourself and those who have harmed you. Let it all go.
Capricorn: Your Social Circles & Extended Network
No new friends, Capricorn? Mercury will retrograde via your 11th house of groups, tribes, friendship circles, and extended network, which means you may or may not have a bone to pick with one of your pals. Whatever you do, don't try to control the situation. Speak your piece and let your friends do what they please.
Aquarius: Your Professional Life & Authority Figures
It's time to finish what you started, Aquarius. Although, make sure you double and triple check your USB drive before sharing the wrong presentation with your superiors via Google Hangouts. Not sure which direction you want to take professionally? This is your official cue from the heavens: Reflect, reassess, and review.
Pisces: Your Beliefs & Long-Term Goals
Carpe diem, Pisces. Mercury will retrograde via your expansive ninth house of travel, which means you have no choice but to double and triple check your itinerary. Although, this retro cycle goes much deeper than accumulating miles and surviving the TSA line. Have you been entertaining the thought of going back to school? Whether you're considering the thought of relocating, or perhaps studying abroad, this is a good time to really reflect on your soul journey. Your inner compass knows the way.