Mila Got Super Honest About Her "Co-Dependent" Relationship With Ashton
Aside from the unfathomable amount of money you'll likely get paid, what's another reason to do a Super Bowl commercial alongside your husband? Apparently to break the co-dependent pattern your family has fallen into during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Mila Kunis said she's "co-dependent" with Ashton Kutcher and their kids in a Jan. 30 interview with Entertainment Tonight during which she discussed her and Kutcher's decision to be in the Cheeto's commercial for the 2021 Super Bowl.
"Our whole family is already co-dependent, so this pandemic just feeds into our entire co-dependency," she admitted. "And my husband and I were super co-dependent for, like, eight years and in this pandemic our kids are like, 'Where are you going?" And I was like, 'The bathroom.' We haven't left each other. We're in the house. Yeah, it was really weird for them. They forgot that we have to go out of the house…"
So, when the opportunity to leave the house for a commercial shoot presented itself, the couple jumped on it. "It was quarantine and we were stuck with our children for nine, 12, months at this moment, and I was like, 'Two days, baby! Two days off.' Literally we were like, 'Yeah, OK, let's do it.' And so we did it," she told Entertainment Tonight with a laugh. "And I hate saying it but we were like, 'Freedom!' … It was amazing!"
Don't take that statement the wrong way — Kunis emphasized she's very committed to her kids. "I love my children so very much! So, so much!" she noted before adding that she had "never been so excited to wake up at five in the morning to be like, 'I'm going to work!' And I literally skipped out of the house. My kids were like, 'You're abandoning us!' And I was like, 'Relax.'"
In addition to the time away from their kids, Kunis said she wanted to do the commercial because... well, she liked it. "It's so silly! Ashton and I, we never work together. I mean, I know we worked together before…And in the midst of quarantine, they sent us this ad to do and every time I've ever been offered a Super Bowl ad it's always a female having to be scantily clad," Kunis explained. "And this one comes around, I started laughing so hard and Ashton was like, 'This is kind of funny.' And I was like, 'We should do it!'"
To be fair, the commercials are hilarious:
Happy they were able to get out of the house and to film some LOL-worthy content while they were at it!