These Zodiac Signs Will Have The Most Beautiful Time The Week Of November 18
The past few weeks have been rough. Mercury retrograde has been spinning through dark and emotional Scorpio, reconnecting you with old flames, stirring up drama, and revealing secrets no one was prepared to know about. Are you so ready for the mayhem to come to an end? It's time to breathe a collective sigh of relief because Mercury is about to station direct and it's one of the many reasons why November 18, 2019 will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
There's so much excitement in store this week, including Mercury retrograde coming to an end on Nov. 20. This will help you focus more clearly, encourage you to work harder, and give you the courage to make bigger decisions. To give you even more motivation, Mars — planet of drive and ambition — leaves behind wobbly and indecisive Libra to enter Scorpio on Nov. 19. Mars rules over Scorpio, which makes this an incredibly powerful time. Scorpio is a strategic, committed, and passionate zodiac sign, giving you so much energy to go for the goal.
On the flip side, Mars in Scorpio turns up the heat in the bedroom, so don't hold back when expressing your desires and being honest about your pleasures. Let this intensify your love life in the most magnetic way.
Fire signs have so much to look forward to when the sun enters Sagittarius on Nov. 22. It's time for open-mindedness, spontaneity, and adventure, so let Sagittarius season take you somewhere beautiful and unexpected.
Aries: You're Seeing Things In A Brighter And More Positive Way
It's as if the whole world has opened up for you. Quit concentrating on the negatives or pouring all your focus on something that's stressing you out. You're missing the forest for the trees. Do yourself a favor and set aside your judgments, because you're about to experience so many new and exciting things. Just make sure you're not closing yourself off from seeing the opportunities available to you. Prepare for an expansion of your mind and your heart. Let yourself be pulled into an adventure. It's about the journey, not the destination.
Leo: You're In The Mood To Show Off And Express Yourself
Creativity, romance, and joy are surrounding you. Grab a paintbrush and make a mess. Write down some words that come straight from the heart. Dance with that hottie who's been eyeing you from across the room. Spend this week falling in love with everyone and everything around you, but most importantly, fall in love with yourself. You have so much beauty no one else on this planet has. You are unique in the most magnificent way. Spend some time acknowledging the way you brighten this world just by existing.
Sagittarius: You're Feeling Energized And Excited To Be You
You're radiating love, beauty, and power. Everyone is gravitating toward you and noticing what a gem you are. This is your time to put your own needs first and be your own best friend. Let everyone see you at your most authentic and unapologetic. If some people can't handle it when you flaunt your awesomeness, who cares? Everyone else adores you for it and it's far more important that you know who your supporters are. You're growing at a rapid rate and your world is shifting. Make decisions that suit this new reality you're creating. You call the shots.