November Will Be The Worst For These Zodiac Signs, But Hang In There
There's so much to celebrate in November. Thanksgiving, all the Black Friday deals, the kickstart of the holiday season, etc. Unfortunately, November 2019 will be the worst for these zodiac signs — Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn — but there's always a silver lining. Remember, these are general predictions based on November's astro-weather, so there's no need to worry. Instead, let's take a closer look at the stars this month.
Both Mercury and Neptune will station direct this month, and that in itself is always a plus, because Mercury retrograde alone tends to put people in a ~mood~.
Prior to those celestial events, the month will kick off with Venus in Sagittarius, which will add a little adventure to your relationships and values. This will change once Venus pirouettes her way into serious Capricorn, but that won't happen until Nov. 25. Besides, Venus is meeting with Jupiter one last time, before Jupiter's big shift into Capricorn in December. This will be a lucky day for many, depending on where Sagittarius is located in your birth chart.
So, even if you're a Taurus, Virgo, or a Capricorn, there's still plenty to look forward to. Chin up, and see what these three signs have in store this month:
Taurus: Your Intimate Unions Are Being Tested
You're exactly where you need to be, and Sagittarius season is turning things up a notch in terms of your committed partnerships and intimate unions. Are you ready to merge with another mind, body, and soul? If you're not, that's totally OK, too.
However, here's the deal: This area of your chart is a bit on the morbid side, especially for your dazzling ruling planet, Venus, as it revolves around death, transformation, and the occult. Although, in the end, everything is perspective, so it's really up to you to decide how you're going to make the most of this celestial energy.
The good news is the full moon in your sign on Nov. 12 will bring you deep insight, so pay close attention to your emotional surroundings.
Virgo: You're Feeling More Introverted Than Usual
I know how much you love staying productive, but there's a time and place for everything, and Sagittarius season is your nesting season. So, instead of blowing off steam in the workplace, why not redecorate your humble abode?
Gorgeous Venus will also be in the mix, which always makes things sweeter. Worst-case scenario? You could be feeling moodier than usual, or perhaps in the mood to retreat, which isn't like you. Although, despite your productive and resourceful ways, you're also quite inhibited, especially when it revolves around your emotions.
Get some rest and take some much-needed time for yourself. The full moon in Taurus on Nov. 12 will activate your expansive ninth house of education and travel. Who knows, maybe you decide to take off on a nice getaway.
Capricorn: You're Staying Incognito For A While
With the sun shaking up your secretive 12th house of sleep, dreams, and all things behind the scenes, you could be feeling a bit foggy in terms of your goals, and direction. This area of your chart is ruled by elusive Neptune, so it can be a bit cloudy and emotionally murky.
The silver lining: Venus will meet with Jupiter one last time before entering your sign in December, which will definitely take some of the 12th house edge off. This is an excellent time to find inner peace via yoga, meditation, reading, and, more importantly, embracing your solitude.