November Will Be More Challenging Than Usual For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Despite the enchanting festivities that take place throughout the month of November (Day of the Dead, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, etc.), it affects everyone differently. Keeping this in mind, November 2020 will be the worst for three zodiac signs — Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius — especially if they haven't been doing the work. Let's get through Scorpio season first, and then we can bask in the holiday spirit.
The good news is, Mercury will be stationing direct on Nov. 3, which is always refreshing. Although, with the savvy messenger god traveling through the justice-seeking sign of Libra for a second time around — let alone reentering secretive Scorpio on Nov. 10 — there's important information coming forth during this time. Mercury reentering Scorpio on Election Day couldn't be more ironic, but there are still two months left in this paradoxical year.
On Nov. 12, bountiful Jupiter will join forces with powerful Pluto — for a third and final time — in the sign of Capricorn. This cosmic configuration speaks to the dismantling of systems, structures, and out-dated beliefs, so don't continue holding onto what no longer serves you. The following day, Mars finally stations direct in its sign of rulership, Aries, which will bestow the collective with a well-deserved boost of energy.
The new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 15 will be a powerful one, so don't forget to set your intentions. It will be in a harmonious trine to dreamy Neptune, which promotes idealism and faith. Venus will enter Scorpio on Nov. 21, intensifying themes revolving around relationships, desires, and value systems. The sun will make its annual debut in Sagittarius on the same day, creating emphasis around hope, optimism, and life experiences.
It's also eclipse season, given the full moon lunar in eclipse in Gemini happening on Nov. 30, so new beginnings are afoot. In the meantime, here's why Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius might run into a few challenges in November:
Virgo: You Need To Make Moves, But You're Not Feeling Confident About it
Whether it be personally or professionally, November is bound to test you in more ways than one. Once your planetary ruler stations direct in your second house of finances, pleasure, and sense of security, you'll likely become preoccupied with an insatiable need to indulge and reap all that you've sown, but no need to rush the process, Virgo. Elusive Neptune will also station direct in your committed seventh house of significant partnerships, which may very well unveil a series of truths you were't expecting. With this month's lunar eclipse in Gemini activating your ambitious 10th house of career, authority figures, and public reputation, you'll have no choice but to revel in the spotlight. You know what you're doing, so keep your eyes on the prize.
Libra: You're Comfort Zone Seems Like A Foreign Concept
Nothing in life comes easy, Libra. The balance, harmony, and aesthetically pleasing environment you seek needs to be earned, and if something in your life isn't standing on solid ground, it's time to let it all fall down. Why hold onto something that isn't worthy of your time, and energy? Thanks to your luscious planetary ruler, Venus' shift into your pleasure-seeking second house of money, finances, and values, you'll likely have a eureka moment... or two. Although, there's no denying the effects of Jupiter conjunct Pluto in your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. It's time to rebuild yourself from the ground up, but don't you worry. You're closer to the finish line than you think.
Aquarius: You're Not In Control And It's Getting To You
Easy does it, Aquarius. There's been a lot of traction in your 12th house of surrender, undoings, closure, and karma these past couple of years, but Jupiter's third and final conjunction with Pluto is here to seal the deal. If you've been avoiding the truth about something, or perhaps lacking humility when it comes to your flaws, it's time to say goodbye to the denial phase. Neptune will station direct in your second house of values, finances, and comfort, so if you've been over-extending your finances or avoiding debt, this will be a reality check. The lunar eclipse will shake up your expressive fifth house of acknowledgement, faith, happiness, and romance, so perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Be authentic with yourself and others. The rest will work itself out.