The Week Of Nov. 25 Will Be Bright & Positive For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Spread your wings, because there are so many reasons you'll want to fly away and never look back this week. Sagittarius season is underway, encouraging you to live a little and spice up your everyday life with something extraordinary and new. Don't be afraid of making a decision that scares you just as much as it excites you, especially because November 25, 2019 will be the best week for these zodiac signs. I'm looking at you Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. If you've got a bit of fire in your birth chart, you might just feel free as a bird.
It all begins with a new moon in Sagittarius on Nov. 26, setting you off on an adventure that will bring you to so many interesting people and fascinating new places. This lunation is all about creating vivid new memories in which you open your mind to fresh perspectives and try something that pushed you out of your comfort zone. When fantasy planet Neptune stations direct after a long retrograde on Nov. 27, you'll find your creative juices replenishing and your connection to spirituality enhancing. Let yourself be vulnerable to kindness, love, and a little bit of romance, especially when chatty Mercury forms a trine with Neptune on Nov. 28. Expect to see the world through a brighter and more positive lens.
Your relationships will even take on a quirky and innovative quality when Venus — planet of love — forms a trine with individualistic Uranus on Nov. 28. This will introduce you to enlightening people and encourage you to follow the beat of your own drum. Get to know others on a deeper level, but most importantly, get to know yourself.
Aries: You're Envisioning The Future And Feeling Excited About It
In order to make your dreams a reality, you have to have the right attitude and you're understanding that more and more. You have the power to manifest success, adventure, and creativity as long as you adopt a mindset that embodies whatever it is that you're searching for. Let a positive perspective marked by hope, abundance, and possibility guide you forward. The world is taking notice of what you bring to the table, so work harder and stay focused on what matters to you most. You won't be disappointed.
Leo: You're Taking Your Creative Spark And Running With It
Are you falling in love with someone? Are you feeling stimulated and inspired by bright new ideas? Dive into these beautiful and rejuvenating feelings. Don't let fear or doubt trample on all the magic begging to be released. Take your ideas and form a plan for success. You're in a position to be both creative and diligent, so have fun as you tackle your to-do list. Whether you're focusing on self-care, a burgeoning romance, or an artistic project, you have the power to banish procrastination and make it happen. Find meaning in the process.
Sagittarius: You're Putting Your Best Foot Forward In Every Way
Not only are you exuding confidence, power, and authenticity, but you're feeling it on the inside, too. It may be time to declare something new about yourself, or do something that makes you feel more independent. You have the right to put your own needs first, and become the person you need to be, not what everyone else needs you to be. Your self-worth comes from you and only you; it can't come from external validation or meaningless concepts of right or wrong. What matters is how much you respect and honor yourself.