These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best October & They Deserve It
October is here, it's almost Halloween, and the air is swirling with autumn delights. What are your goals this month? Are you turning to the cosmos for guidance, or simply going with the flow? For the record, October 2018 will be the best month for these three zodiac signs, so don't hesitate to make the best of it: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Truth is, we're more than halfway through the zodiac wheel, and luckily for us, things are starting to fall into place. In fact, you're probably already noticing the difference, especially with Venus in Scorpio's rawness and truth-seeking ways. Can you feel that? You know, the shadows lurking beneath the surface?
Granted, what does Venus in Scorpio have to do with Libra season? Well, for starters, Venus is Libra's planetary ruler, so with both the sun and Mercury transiting through the sign of Libra, where do you think these celestial bodies are getting their energy from? Voila! Venus in Scorpio has basically taken over the sky, and just wait until Mercury enters Scorpio on Oct. 9. Now, don't take this the wrong way, Libra. I know this is your solar revolution and all, but it is what it is. The sun is the heart of our solar system, and if the sun is in Libra and Venus is in Scorpio, the energy isn't as "Libra" as we'd like, and that's OK. Oh, and before I forget, Venus will retrograde on Oct. 5, so she'll back it up into Libra just in time for Halloween. Are you happy now?
Anyway, here's what's in store for you this month, stargazers:
The sun is energizing your flirty fifth house of fun, romance, and creativity this month, and you're on fire, Gemini babe. Let's face it, flirting is your favorite pastime, and well, how can anyone resist that twinkle in your eye? The new moon in Libra on Oct. 8 lights up the area of your chart related to creative expression, sparking colorful new beginnings. Are you working on a new art project? Who knows, maybe you meet someone special this month. Anything's possible when the fifth house if involved. Speaking of love, Venus goes retrograde on Oct. 5 in your practical sixth house of health and daily routine. Are you rekindling relationships in the workplace? Maybe you're starting a new workout routine. Whatever the case may be, retrograde energy is ideal for behind the scenes work, so get to it!
Happy birthday, you beautiful child of Venus, you. With the sun traveling through your first house self, all things related to your appearance and personal identity, will be top of mind during this time. I mean, come on, it is your birthday season after all, and no one loves beauty and grace more than you, Libra. Speaking of which, your ruling planet will retrograde on Oct. 5 through your second house of finances and self-worth. Venus wants you to re-evaluate your self-worth, not to mention your good ol' splurging habits during this retro cycle. The planet of love makes its way back into your sign just in time for Halloween, and by then, I think you'll have a better grasp on your values by then, don't you think? By the way, there's nothing to be afraid of, on the contrary. This retrograde period will bring you some much-needed closure, and perhaps some extra cash, too.
Wanderlust-ing much? With the sun traveling through your expansive ninth house of travel, higher learning, and foreign lands, you're craving excitement and feeling as spontaneous as ever. You're expanding your horizons, and chances are, you're ready to take on a new course at the community college. Mercury is hard at work in this area of your chart, too, so your last-minute decision to go back to school honestly wouldn't surprise me. Meanwhile, Venus, planet of love and beauty, is charming your ambitious tenth house of career and destiny in the world. So, you're extra attractive to the public during this time. However, make sure you take things slow once Venus goes retrograde on Oct. 5. Again, nothing to be afraid of here, but definitely something to mindful of, nonetheless. You might suddenly run into a shadow or two, in terms of your professional relationships. Good news is, Venus in Scorpio only speaks the truth.