These Zodiac Signs Are In For A Brutal October
October is here, and while the majority of people can't help but swoon over the thought of Halloween shenanigans, hosting a "Monster Mash" may seem more challenging than usual given this month's astro weather. Hate to break it to you, but October 2019 will be the worst for these zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. However, there's always a silver lining, and in this case, the silver lining is simple: It's astrology. Remember, you are a spiritual being living a human experience and, believe it or not, we are all made of star stuff.
Scorpio season, which revolves around deep emotions, starts on Oct. 23, and it's nothing like Libra season, which revolves around balance. Then again, with powerful Pluto going direct on Oct. 3, you won't be able to disregard those Plutonian feels. Pluto is the God of the Underworld; it is the planet of sex, death, and transformation. Libra's planetary ruler, Venus, enters smoldering Scorpio on Oct. 8, which means this Scorpio-like energy will start bleeding into Libra season early in the month.
Brace yourselves, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, because here's what October has in store for you:
Aries: The Highs Are High But The Lows Are Really Low
Cheer up, Aries. This, too, shall pass like everything else. Libra season put a spotlight on your committed partnerships — which, as you know, need work — and Scorpio season is turning things up a notch... or two. Mercury and Venus will activate your sultry eighth house of sex, debt, and intimate unions early on in the month, and this will instantly get the ball rolling.
Conversations you've been meaning to have, especially those regarding taboo topics, will likely resurface during this time. What needs to be said, Aries? Can you handle the truth? Pluto stations direct via your 10th house of authority this month, too. There's nothing wrong with taking charge, as long as you're not expecting others to follow your every move.
Leo: There Are Power Struggles At Home
Bad news first, Leo? Scorpio season is a time for you to retreat into your safe place. However, before I get into that, let me talk about Pluto stationing direct via your orderly sixth house of health and due diligence. What have you learned in the past five months? Have you been mindful of your well-being?
Taking responsibility for yourself and your actions is priority. I know it's been a lot for you in terms of your daily duties, but look at everything you've accomplished thus far, Leo. Nevertheless, this is a good time to get some rest and, if you're up for it, work on the relationships you have with your family members. #JustSaying
Sagittarius: You're Dealing With Repressed Emotions
Remember who you are, Sagittarius. Pluto stations direct via your second house of values and self-worth on Oct. 3, which means, if you've been doing the work these last five months, then you'll likely be rewarded for it during this time. The planets are the real guardians of the galaxy, and they send us their blessings when you least expect it. However, despite all the collaborative work you've been doing since Libra season started, it's important to not let your insecurities get the best of you.
Mercury and Venus slide into Scorpio — and your 12th house of secrets and closure — at the beginning of the month, and this will definitely change up the vibe. Remember, this area of your chart governs your subconscious mind and all things behind the scenes, so you could feeling a bit more introverted than usual, and perhaps decide to stay incognito for a bit. That's the least of your worries. All I'm saying is, don't lose momentum this month. Instead, use this time wisely and recharge your batteries.
This article was originally published on