These Zodiac Signs Will Live Their Best Life The Week Of October 21
Ready or not, there's an astrological shift surging through the cosmos, and this change is meant to help you dive deeper into your heart. When the sun enters passionate, secretive, and transcendent Scorpio on Oct. 23, there will be no more room for anything superficial. Scorpio desires depth, authenticity, and mystery. Enough with the small talk and coquettish teasing of Libra season. When the sun is in Scorpio, it's time to get serious about your feelings. If your sun or rising happens to fall under the element water, you're in luck, because October 21, 2019 will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
If you're as excited for the sun's move into Scorpio as I am, then you'll love what the universe has planned next. On Oct. 21, Venus — planet of love and beauty — will form a trine with dreamy, compassionate, and creative Neptune. This casts a bright and romantic sheen across your love life and helps you tap into something out of this world in your everyday life. It'll feel easier to connect with others and choose kindness over coldness. When Venus later forms a sextile with powerful and transformative Pluto, you'll feel a desire to deepen your relationships and take love to the next level. It's time to share your truth and open your heart to the prospect of healing through human connection.
If you thought you were slipping softly into Scorpio season, you'd be mistaken. In fact, you're blasting through it like a firework. When the new moon in Scorpio takes place on Oct. 27, it will send shockwaves through your universe, making sure nothing is as it seems. Fortunately, if your sun or rising falls under Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you'll love these changes all the more. Here's why:
Cancer: You're Sparkling With So Much Romance And Creativity
You could easily feel as though you're walking on cloud nine this week, Cancer. After how difficult the past few months have likely been, you definitely deserve it. As of now, you're experiencing a boost of creative energy, and you're feeling so inspired to make the art you've been dreaming about and try something new. You're also feeling flirtatious and in the mood to add so many new numbers to your contacts. Revel in this romance. There's no reason why you should not partake in all the splendor being offered to you.
Scorpio: You're Putting Yourself Out There In A Powerful Way
If you've had any doubt about who you are or where you're going, don't worry. A rush of confidence may be about to sweep you off your feet, but even more importantly, you're understanding how to be kind to yourself. No one is perfect, but you're pretty damn beautiful, and you would not be this beautiful without your flaws. They make you interesting, powerful, and stronger than anything that comes your way. Dig deep inside yourself and find that source of resilience that has helped you come such a long way.
Pisces: You're Seeing The World In A Brand New Light
The monotony of everyday life is the furthest thing from your mind this week, Pisces. In fact, you want to hop on a magic carpet ride and fly away instead. But who says that's not possible? There are so many adventures yet to happen, and the possibilities are surrounding you as we speak. Whether you're buying a planet ticket out of town, or you're going for a nature walk in your own neighborhood, you're seeing magic where you did not see it before. Let this expand your mind and open your heart to new perspectives and belief systems.