The Week Of October 7 Looks Extra Promising For These 3 Zodiac Signs
There is no such thing as smooth sailing in astrology. Instead, astrology describes the emotional roller coaster that is life. At times, it's downright difficult and it may even feel like there's no hope in sight. Luckily, there's always a new day to look forward to, and astrology always promises beauty in the not-so-distant future. If you've been waiting for a sign from the universe that something amazing is going to happen, look no further, because October 7, 2019 will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, and Scorpio. If you happen to have your sun or rising sign in any part of the trio, the cosmic energy is likely supporting you rather than going against you.
The sun is in partnership-oriented Libra, turning up the romantic vibes and encouraging you to embrace cuffing season with all your heart. However, on Oct. 8, Venus — Libra's planetary ruler — will enter dark, intense, and sexual Scorpio. Even though Venus is technically in detriment when it travels through Scorpio, no one can deny this transit is hard to resist. If you were searching for a passionate affair that truly rocks your world and forces you to dig deep, Venus in Scorpio might be the energy that brings it.
And that's not all you have to look forward to this week. On Oct. 13, a full moon will rise in bright, fiery, and competitive Aries, which blasts your world with some serious power. Aries is a go-getter who prefers to grab life by the horns and take what they want. Why not infuse some of that drive into your own life? Forming a trine with expansive and extravagant Jupiter, there's no telling how strongly it will impact your life.
However, here's how it will affect the following zodiac signs:
Gemini: You're Feeling Playful, Flirtatious, And Ready To Go Out
With the sun in your fifth house of fun and pleasure, Libra season marks a time to be fully and shamelessly enjoyed. You should be making lots of exciting plans, setting aside time for your art, going out with your friends, and chatting up that hottie on your mind. This time is for you, so do whatever it is that brings you the most joy.
So many beautiful ideas have been coming your way. Now that Venus and Mercury are in your sixth house of work and routine, it's time to start putting those ideas into action.
Libra: You're Seeing Yourself In A New And Exciting Light
It's your solar return and you're feeling so confident, energized, and focused on yourself. There's no better time to put yourself first, so quit worrying about what everyone else thinks and do what you want to do. Use this time to make some positive changes in your life. It could be as simple as getting a haircut or as big as making a huge announcement. All that matters is you don't remain stagnant.
With a full moon lighting up your seventh house of partnerships, you're learning from others and seeing things from a harmonious perspective. Let diplomacy lead the way.
Scorpio: Everyone's Hopelessly Attracted To You Lately
Is it hot in here or is it just you, Scorpio? Now that Venus has entered your first house of the self, everyone has got you on their mind. You're more attractive, charming, and sensual than usual, so get out there and mingle. This is a beautiful time to make new friends, fall hard for new crushes, or simply strengthen your self-love. It's time to take yourself out on a date.
However, the sun is still in your secretive 12th house, which may make you hesitant to get on your feet. Remember, there's no need to rush anything.