Pete Davidson Just Picked A Side In The Eminem & Machine Gun Kelly Feud
OK. Hi. My name is Jamie, and I'm an entertainment writer for the internet. That means I'm paid to live, breath, and die for everything Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are doing right now, because if you haven't heard — they're engaged. (One more time for the folks in the back: PETE DAVIDSON AND ARIANA GRANDE ARE ENGAGED!) This means I give a profound number of F's about what they're up to. In a recent interview, Pete Davidson picked a side in the Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly feud, which means now I have to pick a side in the Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly feud. How exhausting to be me, right? To be clear: Davidson is team MGK. I don't know... plot twist?
In doing a deep dive into this rapper feud I've learned two things: 1.) It started with a tweet Machine Gun Kelly posted back in 2012 when he called Em's daughter Hailie, then 16, "hot as f*ck." 2.) The feud lives on today in a series of diss tracks from both rappers that involve basically lots of name calling and pea-cocking. It's not a great look for either party, TBH. Nothing says "cool" about grown men scrambling for status. Barf.
The other thing I learned is that no celebrity feud ever stays insular. Other famous folks are always dragged into them. For example, in the case of Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly, my main girl Rihanna is suddenly now showing up in both of their lyrics. In Machine Gun Kelly's diss track "Rap Devil," he seemingly calls Em out for not being brave enough to ask for someone like Rihanna's phone number. *Eye roll.* Along with loads of other insults, Kelly raps, "The type to be scared to ask Rihanna for her number."
In response, Eminem's diss track "Killshot" opens with the lyrics, "Rihanna just hit me on a text / Last night I left hickeys on her neck."
Guys, can we please leave RiRi out of your fight and stop using women as leverage and ammo? OKthankubye.
Contrastingly, Pete Davidson was not brought up in either rapper's song but appears to be taking sides, anyway. On Monday, Sept. 24, Davidson popped by The Howard Stern Show mainly to talk about his career and fiancé Ariana Grande, but signed off with a little shout out to someone else special to him. Before ending the show, Stern asked him if there was any advice he wanted to leave "for the kids." Davidson responded, "Go check out Machine Gun Kelly's new album, Binge."
Oh, snap. That sure sounds like he's taking Kelly's side to me!
If I didn't know any better, I'd say it's just a matter of time before Davidson (or even Ariana Grande) shows up in Kelly or Eminem's lyrics. But also, Davidson has to see that coming, right? After all, he did tell Stern the "downside" to dating Ariana Grande is all of the paparazzi and press that comes with it. (The final interview with Stern was not available for listening by the time of publication.)
All of this to say: my job is so hard, you guys! It's almost like celebrities don't even consider the kind of position they're putting me in when they go at each other like this or something. Like, hellooo! Help an entertainment writer out, here.