You Can Donate To These Organizations That Are Trying To Stop Trump's New Birth Control Rule
On Friday, Oct. 6, Donald Trump took a step in the direction women across the country feared. The president rolled back the Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare) birth control mandate, which means employers now have the right to choose whether or not they will provide birth control coverage for their women employees. Under Obamacare, all employers had to include the price of birth control in their health care packages. Now, bosses have the right to claim a religious or moral objection to providing their employees with the birth control benefits. Of course, citizens are outraged about the new rule and are immediately trying to make a difference amid the scary change. If you're someone who wants to take action, there are various places to donate to support birth control so you can try to end the new rule.
Before we get into organizations you can donate to, let's talk a little more about the new rule so you know exactly what's going on. Trump's birth control restriction — which was leaked back in in May — is putting 62 million women at risk, depending on their employer's decision. Per Politico, the administration described the new rule, saying,
The United States has a long history of providing conscience protections in the regulation of health care for entities and individuals with objections based on religious beliefs or moral convictions. These interim final rules expand exemptions to protect religious beliefs for certain entities and individuals whose health plans are subject to a mandate of contraceptive coverage through guidance issued pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
In other words, Trump's administration lets employers choose whether or not they want to provide their employees with birth control coverage that they don't believe in. This action could take away the rights of the millions of women who rely on their employers for birth control coverage.
The harrowing new rule under Trump's administration is effective immediately, and now's the time to stand up for women's rights. To donate to the cause, see the organizations below.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
After news broke about Trump's "religious" executive order, the ACLU announced they're suing the administration ASAP to block the new rules. You can make a public comment on the new rule through their website here, or donate to the ACLU here.
National Women's Law Center (NWLC)
The NWLC is also taking Trump's administration to the court room. After news broke about his Obamacare rollback, the organization tweeted that they will also sue for women's rights. To donate to the NWLC, click here.
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Center for Reproductive Rights also showed outrage upon the announcement of Trump's new birth control rule. Via Twitter, they wrote, "Employers have absolutely no business in private health decisions. This new rule is unacceptable. #HandsOffMyBC"
Like the ACLU and NWLC, the Center for Reproductive Rights will also take Trump's administration to court.
If you agree with the organization's actions and wish to contribute to the cause, click here to donate.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is another essential organization standing for women's rights, and they too will not stand for Trump's new infringing rule. To join the fight against the regulation, you can send a message to the Trump administration regarding the health care change. You can also donate to Planned Parenthood here.
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Naral Pro-Choice America is an activist group with 1.2 million members that fights for reproductive freedom. On Friday, they tweeted about Trump's new rule and said, "The Trump admin just issued a rule rolling back birth control coverage for 62.4 MILLION women. #HandsOffMyBC"
To support NARAL in their fight for reproductive rights and freedom, donate here.
Americans United
Like other organizations listed, Americans United will also sue the Trump administration over their new rule regarding birth control coverage. Per an email sent to Elite Daily, the group plans on taking legal action against the administration to block new regulations that let employers and universities refuse to cover birth control because of religion. You can donate to Americans United here.
As you can see, tons of organizations who support women's rights are taking a stance against Trump's new birth control rule. Whether you join a group that you believe in our donate to help support birth control, you are making a difference. On behalf of 62 million women who are now in danger of losing their contraceptive insurance coverage, let's stand together and support these groups in any way possible.
Editor's note: This piece has been updated to include Americans United.