Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Are Fans Of This Netflix Show & I'm Screaming
If you were wondering whether or not the royal family watches Netflix's The Crown (a show that's literally all about their family's history), they do! Well, Harry and Meghan do, at least. Guys, according to an upcoming book about Prince Harry's life, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle love The Crown and used to watch it together at Nottingham Cottage before they got engaged. In the iconic words of Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness, can you believe?! Author Katie Nicholl's book documenting Prince Harry's life hit stands on Tuesday, March 20. The book, called Harry: Life, Loss, and Love, takes us through Harry's past, from his childhood and past relationships with ex-girlfriends to the beginnings of his relationship with soon-to-be wife Meghan Markle.
In it, Nicholl reveals details about Harry's love life before meeting Markle, and as it turns out, the women in his family had a habit of setting him up on a bunch of blind dates! Kate Middleton and Princess Eugenie (Harry's cousin who just got engaged herself) reportedly were the most trusted by Harry to set him up on dates following his relationships with Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas. Once he started dating Markle in 2016, however, things got serious pretty quickly. Markle ended up spending a lot of time at Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace, and that's when they would hang out at home watching The Crown together.
You all do realize it's totally possible Prince Harry will be a character on The Crown eventually, right? Knowing he watches the show is huge information!!
Knowing the couple casually hangs out at home and watches this show gives me so much life. Nottingham Cottage is a small house on the grounds of Kensington Palace. Harry moved into it permanently in 2013, and it basically became Markle's second home while they were dating. Markle was still committed to Suits for much of their relationship, so they would make their long-distance romance work by having Harry visit Toronto when Markle was filming and Markle staying with Harry at Nottingham Cottage whenever she was in the U.K. While the most decorating Harry added to the house when he moved in was a hammock in the backyard (respect), Nicholl's book says Markle brought some of her own decorative touch to the cottage by bringing in fresh flowers, scented candles, and cookbooks.
And as it turns out, the couple was cooking a meal at Nottingham Cottage when Harry proposed.
In an interview with BBC News the day of their engagement, Harry and Meghan described how the romantic moment went down in the privacy of their home. "It happened a few weeks ago, earlier this month, here at our cottage," Harry said. "Just a standard, typical night for us." Markle chimed in, "Just a cozy night, it was — what were we doing? Roasting chicken and..." "Roasting a chicken," Harry added. "Trying to roast a chicken." Markle gushed, "Trying to roast a chicken and it just — just an amazing surprise. It was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee."
When asked if it was a "yes" right away from Markle, she said, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I barely let you [Harry] finish proposing. I said, 'Can I say yes now?'" Harry added, "She didn't even let me finish. She said 'Can I say yes? Can I say yes?', and then there were hugs and I had the ring in my finger and I was like, 'Can I give you the ring?' She goes, 'Oh yes, the ring!'" What a night. Do you think they were watching The Crown when he proposed?! I would die if that were true. Also, if it is true, I need to know which episode they were watching right now immediately.
Now that we know Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are fans of The Crown, and given the fact that Markle is an actress herself, I'm sure we're all interested in hearing what she'd have to say about that Claire Foy and Matt Smith pay gap awfulness. (ICYMI: Matt Smith was paid more than Claire Foy for their work on The Crown despite the fact that Foy played the titular character.) Unfortunately for us, the royal family isn't really allowed to comment on political issues, so we'll likely never know. But considering the fact that Markle has been a strong advocate for women's rights over the years and intends to continue that advocacy for gender equality through The Royal Foundation, I bet she has some opinions!!