You’ll Swoon At What Rihanna’s Zodiac Sign Says About Her As A Partner
Rihanna truly seems to be living her best single life. Following her reported split with long-time partner and Saudi businessman Hassan Jameel, the singer has been spotted out with both Drake and A$AP Rocky, which has fans wondering if she might be rekindling old romances. (Yes Queen!) At the end of the day, Rihanna has all the options in the world, which makes sense when you consider Rihanna’s zodiac sign. (And also just the fact that she's Rihanna. Obvi.)
Rihanna was born Feb. 20, 1988, under the sign of Pisces — easily the most traditionally romantic sign in the zodiac. They love unconditionally, and thanks to their connection to Neptune, the planet associated with intuition, have keen insight into the deepest parts of their partners. Given this, it's little surprise that she’s so often viewed as the one who got away. Here’s what else we can divine about what it’s like to be loved by Rihanna, based on her zodiac sign.
Pisces Loves To Be In Love.
Pisces can be a bit of a serial monogamist because this sign loves nothing more than to be in love. Pisces has a powerful imagination and is all about living the ~fantasy~. Most of all, they want to be swept off their feet, over and over again. In return, Pisces’ heart is wide open and enthusiastic about giving their partner unconditional love. Unlike their fellow water sign, Cancer, no matter how many times their heart is broken, Pisces never loses their optimism about romance and truly believes that someday their true love will find them. Pisces' only real relationship issue is that they can sometimes struggle to separate the unworthy partners from the worthy ones.
They Secretly Enjoy A Little Relationship Drama.
While Pisces wants that fairytale happy ending, deep down there’s a part of them that thrives on a bit of relationship drama. They want passion and excitement, so the ups and downs of a relationship rollercoaster can be thrilling for them. As a result, they tend to make up and break up with their partners a lot, early on. This is also why it's not uncommon for Pisces to date the same handful of people repeatedly.
They Understand Their Partner On A Deep Level.
One of the aspects of Pisces that makes them such amazing partner material is their intuition and the empathy it generates. Pisces is very sensitive to how their partner’s feeling and genuinely cares about guarding their partner's heart. Their intuition allows them to not only know what their SO is feeling, but why they’re feeling that way, and that kind of insight and sense of truly being seen by the person they love is both rare and very addictive. This is why it's just so very hard to fully get over a Pisces.
Only time will truly tell whether or not Rihanna is currently loving the single life, or falling in love with someone new, since she tends to stay pretty private about her love life. The one thing we do know for certain is that whoever finally claims Rihanna’s heart is going to one very lucky person.