Twitter Decided To #RoastTrumpIn4Words & The Results Are Absolutely Savage
If there's one thing Twitter appreciates, it's giving President Donald Trump a taste of his own social media medicine. On Sunday, Nov. 26, politicos everywhere decided to kickstart the morning with brief, creative ways of taking shots at the commander in chief. #RoastTrumpIn4Words tweets have circulated, and chances are our leader won't be terribly pleased with the results he finds in his newsfeed.
Naturally, no one held back. Taking jabs at the president from every angle, Twitter users found a myriad of roast-worthy topics, from the president's politics, to his controversial past, to his need to destroy President Barack Obama's legacy. It appeared as though nothing was off limits in this thread.
Trump is certainly no stranger to making his innermost thoughts known online, from his opinions about Kim Jong-un's body type, to his thoughts about the NFL's #TakeAKnee movement, to the more serious topics such as charges in the Russia investigation. It seems as though #RoastTrumpIn4Words is a way for everyone to air their grievances, and people from both sides of the political spectrum are enforcing the president's same social media practice: don't hold back.
Have a look at some of the tweets that got the #RoastTrumpIn4Words ball rolling (and prepare for quite a firestorm).
One clever cleaver gave our president the Pennywise treatment.
Of course, no one could resist the Obama vs. Trump debate.
The Time Person of the Year debacle was too difficult to pass up.
Those in the land of Justin Trudeau are counting their blessings.
Russia, of course, made an appearance in the hashtag thread.
Looks like Pikachu got a better turnout, according to @NeverWithTrump's photo.
Some tweets took a serious tone, not a humorous one.
Then there were those who defended the president and his views.
So much for a calm morning of rest, coffee, and the Sunday paper. Twitter means business, folks, and social media — especially when politics is taken into account — is not for the faint of heart. It can definitely be a dirty, messy game in 140 characters (well, 280 now).
If you're not convinced, just take a look at Twitter's response to the president's Time tweet. Last year, Time named Trump Person of the Year, and he thought he'd receive a similar accolade in 2017. He took to Twitter and said,
Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!
The publication, however, was not on board with the president's statement. In fact, its reps had a very different tune about the title. The magazine responded with a statement of its own, which read,
The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.
To make matters worse for Trump, Time's Chief Content Officer Alan Murray also decided to voice his concerns on Twitter. Naturally, he concluded that the president's statements were nothing but fake news. He wrote,
Amazing. Not a speck of truth here — Trump tweets he 'took a pass' at being named TIME's person of the year
There might be more characters and more room to express your viewpoints, but you have to be careful with what you post on Twitter, and this is proof. No one messes around when it comes to a political hashtag.
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