Samantha Markle's Christmas Tweet To Meghan Is Literally The Worst
Samantha Markle, you have got to relax, sis. Meghan Markle's half-sister has not let up on publicly berating the Duchess of Sussex since she announced her engagement to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, back in November 2017. Despite sending a half-*ssed Christmas message to Meghan, Samantha Markle still can't help but drag her sister publicly. Her most recent blast came via Twitter (though she likes to alternate between social media and live interviews) and Samantha Markle's Christmas tweet to Meghan is literally the worst.
The gist is Samantha and her father Thomas Markle Sr. are having a hard time accepting Meghan has moved on to a shiny new life in the palace. Over the course of many reports, strange interviews, and statements to the press by Meghan's family, the public has pieced together that she's had a strained relationship with her father and half-siblings for a long time. This was all amplified after Meghan's union with Prince Harry, which caused her family to lash out in the media. Samantha, in particular, likes to accuse Meghan of being a neglectful daughter and Thomas Markle most recently told the press his famous daughter is "ghosting" him.
As an obvious fake olive branch, Samantha sent the following Christmas card to Meghan before the holidays.
Well, actually, Samantha sent a picture of the card to The Mirror to publish, so whatever. Anyway, this is what is said:
Dear Meg, This is not meant to be formal. The holidays are a time for family and are sentimental. As you know, dad has been trying to contact you and is very hurt because you are avoiding him. Life is short and you know dad is wonderful. Please give him joy in his last years by showing that you love him. The time is NOW. Please think about this. Your sister, Samantha
That all seemed well and good until Samantha seemingly caught the photos of her sister walking into Christmas church service with her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. For some reason, that seemingly made her livid and set her off on Twitter.
Samantha posted the following tweets on her protected Twitter account, according to an E! News report:
I've never seen anyone so rude and hurtful and heartless and absent a soul in my life. #MeghanMarkle #SamanthaMarkle shame on you for what you have done to our father. No PR machine can fix this. I retract the merry Christmas, you don't deserve it. How dare you walk into a church.
(Sidebar question — what's with the hashtags?)
Samantha went on to explain she didn't "know enough profane words" to fully express how outraged she was by Meghan's actions.
"Wow," is right.
Some people asked Samantha if she spent the holiday with her father, pointing out her words could be hypocritical. According to E! News, Samantha responded to commenters explaining she "did spend Christmas day with [her] dad," albeit on the phone. "Mexico is not wheelchair accessible and I'm too far away we do what we can my point was she did not even call him," she wrote.
Aye aye aye. Give it a rest, Samantha, and try to have a happy New Year. Please!