Sarah & Wells Had A Very Patriotic Third Anniversary
Did you know voting can double as a cute date activity? No, seriously. Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams voted on their third anniversary, and TBH, I can't think of a better way to celebrate being in love in 2020. "On our anniversary, we sat down ... and had all of our ballots and research laid out before us," Hyland told People in an Oct. 21 report. "We filled out our ballots and walked our ballots over to the official drop-off box and triple-checked to make sure that it wasn't one of the fake ones that are lying around California."
Now, to be fair, voting isn't the only thing they did on their anniversary. The pair still indulged in the typical dinner and gifts ritual. Once they were done voting, Hyland added, "Wells cooked us dinner and we exchanged gifts and that was that."
If you follow Hyland, you may have already known she spent her Oct. 16 anniversary doing her civic duty. The actress posted a video of herself taking her ballot to the mailbox to Instagram alongside this caption encouraging others to do the same:
Today I exercised my rights as an American citizen. It was fun. It was easy! Remember that voting doesn’t start Nov 3rd, it ENDS Nov 3rd. Vote early if you can!!! @iamavoter#iamavoter#runwaytothepolls#votethemout
That same day, Adams posted a sweet anniversary tribute to Hyland onto his Instagram grid. Alongside a black and white photobooth picture that featured him sticking his (very long) tongue out, he wrote:
Happy anniversary sugar tits! The list of things I love about you is longer than my tongue 😛😬love you +1 anything you say. @sarahhyland
Hyland posted her tribute a day earlier, posting a couple of sweet pictures of herself and Adams posing poolside alongside this incredibly gushy caption:
A kiss, two VERY professional models, and an anniversary: A series ❤️ Three years ago I asked you when YOU were going to ask ME to be your girlfriend. Now we’re engaged and in the midst of surviving a global pandemic. There’s no one else I’d rather be quarantining with. Being with you literally 24/7 over the past several months has only made our relationship stronger and I’m so lucky to call you my fiancé. I love you to Pluto and back! Happy anniversary sugar balls 😜
Hyland and Adams first announced their engagement over a year ago on July 16, 2019. Like many others, the two have had to postpone their wedding plans as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. "We definitely want to get married one day and have the wedding of our dreams and have everybody that we love there," she told People on June 30. "But we postponed wedding planning because we want to be able to focus on what's important right now, and that's helping to spread information to wear masks and to only go out for essential needs and also take a really big look inside yourself and reflect on how you treat others."
Totally fair! Happy these two have continued to enjoy each other's company, despite the curveballs life has thrown everyone's way.