Selena Gomez Spoke Out About Trump's Family Separation Policy & It's So Emotional
On June 30, Selena Gomez attended the Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation premiere in Los Angeles, CA to promote her upcoming film. However, the night wasn't all fun and games for the movie star, because Selena Gomez's comments about Trump's family separation policy proves that she hasn't forgotten about today's political issues. You go, Selena.
During the movie premiere, Gomez revealed that Trump's family separation policy has "affected" many people around her. "It's extremely disheartening," Gomez said. "There's a lot of confusion and anger. It's definitely been affecting so many people who are close to me."
The recent crisis of separating immigrant children from their families at the border has resulted in the public organizing protests to fight against the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy. Since these protests broke out, a number of celebrities, Gomez included, have spoken in favor of the fight to end this separation. On June 29, Gomez tweeted in support of the Keep Families Together Marches that took place on June 30.
She wrote,
Families seeking safety in our country need protection, understanding and opportunity, not detention. This is a moral choice, not a political one.
I don't know about y'all, but there's seriously nothing I love more than celebrities speaking out on the issues.
Following the complete backlash in response to Trump's family separation policy, Donald Trump signed an executive order on June 20 that would stop this crisis. However, there's still a number of problems that need to be addressed even with the new order. On June 29, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that they plan to detain families together and hold them in detention centers indefinitely, or up until their immigration cases. To protest Trump's family policy, individuals all over the nation gathered together on June 30 in honor of the Families Belong Together march. The Families Belong Together (FBT) Coalition, one of the key nonprofits who spearheaded this march, discussed on their website how this crisis is still not over even with the executive order signing.
The coalition said,
We're rallying in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell Donald Trump and his administration to permanently end the separation of kids from their parents. End family internment camps. End the "zero-humanity" policy that created this crisis. And reunify the children with their parents.
From Washington D.C. to Los Angeles, CA, people from all over the nation marched together to fight against Donald Trump's separation policy. Even though this activism is coming from unfortunate circumstances, it's still so inspiring to see the passion these concerned individuals have for the injustices immigrant families are currently facing.
Despite Trump's claim that the executive order will "keep families together," NBC News reported on June 27 that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly asking for more military space to house detainees. According to NBC News, DHS asked the the Department of Defense (DOD) for space that would care for a "family population of up to 12,000 people." Also, nearly 2,000 of those families would require housing within 45 days. Elite Daily reached out to DHS for comment at the time, but did not hear back.
Clearly this border crisis isn't going anywhere, but rest assured that activists and other concerned individuals will be fighting against the Trump administration in any way they can. Not everyone can take part in weekend marches to protest witnessed injustices, but that won't stop people from calling out Trump staffers wherever they can. On June 22, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was eating at Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, VA, but was asked by the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, to leave the establishment. In fact, Sanders is just one of a few White House staffers that has been openly heckled while eating out in public, such as Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller.
I might not have been able to see this public outcry go down, but this is kind of what I imagine it to resemble.
Whether it's during a protest march or at a movie premiere, it's so inspiring to see so many people standing up for these families. I hope the fight never stops.