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Things Are Lightening Up For These Zodiac Signs The Week Of September 16

by Roya Backlund

There's no doubt the last few months have been marked by hard work, intense introspection, and the urgency that something needs changing. After all, Saturn — planet of karma and discipline — has been retrograde since late April, turning all its energy inward. Saturn is a teacher, but what this planet teaches is no walk in the park. For the past few months, in particular, I bet you've wished you could do anything to shut up your inner critic. Fortunately, you're about to see things a lot more clearly if you're one of the zodiac signs who will have the best September 16, 2019 week. Though, it's not just these zodiac signs who will benefit. Everyone should feel a weight lifting off their chest, at least to some extent. When Saturn goes direct on Sept. 18, you'll get a better idea of where you're at in life, helping you get back to work in a more meaningful way.

Beyond Saturn retrograde, you're still in the midst of Virgo season, which is a time marked by pressure for perfection. Luckily, you're about to get a break from all the dry and analytical energy, because Mercury — planet of communication — and Venus — planet of love, have both moved into charming, social, and diplomatic Libra. This encourages affection, romance, and friendship, opening you up to a more free-flowing form of connection than before. Venus is Libra's ruling planet, which means Venus is never happier than when it's in Libra (or Taurus, for that matter). Get ready for cuffing season to begin, because you'll feel like holding someone's hand and planting kisses on your lover.

If you've got your sun or rising in Taurus, Virgo, or Libra, you'll love what's to come this week:


Taurus: You're Taking Your Creative Inspiration Seriously

With both the sun and Mars — planet of drive — in your fifth house of fun and pleasure, all you've been in the mood to do is express yourself and live life to the fullest. What's better than that? When you're in the midst of a fifth house transit, your soul purpose becomes centered on artistically connecting with the world around you and deepening your affections. With Mars forming a trine with Pluto this week, you have the power to create something truly groundbreaking and transformative. You also have the power to have some mind-blowing sex and intimacy.

Virgo: You're Feeling Confident And Ready To Build A Better Life

You've been honing in on your skills, upping your level of confidence, and letting the whole world know exactly who you are. It's your solar return, which means you're doing a lot of thinking about where you're at in life. If you've been criticizing yourself too much, stop it. Instead, build yourself up with positivity, because you have way too much power right now to squander it by feeling negative. As Mars forms a trine with Pluto, you can make some major personal improvements. In fact, you may experience epiphanies that change everything.

Libra: You're Absorbing So Much Self-Love And Romance

You're in the middle of your Venus return and no one is enjoying it more than you. This is a time of overwhelming pleasure, romance, friendship, and beauty. Your relationships are coming to you more easily and you're attracting all the attention in the room. Your sense of style is off the charts and you can redesign everything to your liking. You can use your Venus return to help you do pretty much anything more beautifully. Or, you can sit back, relax, and watch how Venus makes life better all on her own. It's all up to you.