These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week, So Expect Fireworks
Get ready for the first week of autumn, and in case you haven't heard, it also happens to be the first week of Libra season. If you know a Libra, then I don't even have to explain to you why this zodiac sign is so lively and enjoyable. Symbolized by the harmonizing scales and ruled by Venus — planet of affection, romance, friendship, and luxury — Libra season is about appreciating the finer things in life and embracing your inner charmer. If you've already felt yourself becoming more flirtatious and more exquisite, then it simply makes sense that as of September 24, 2018, this will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, and Scorpio. And, if your rising sign also happens to fall under any of the following, you'll experience the magic just as intensely.
Just as you'd expect, Libra season begins with a bang. Starting the week off with a dramatic and galvanizing full moon in Aries, the cosmos are making sure that autumn contains a ruthless source of power. Because full moons are known for bringing your emotions to the surface and edging you closer to a sense of completion, it's clear that this seasonal transition is filled with spiritual reward and transformational understanding. If you're already missing summer, get with the program. Autumn is demanding your attention.
Gemini: You'll Find The Spark That Lights Your Fire
Libra is your sister air sign and you mesh with its energy beautifully. With the sun radiating power throughout your fifth house of creativity and pleasure, the cosmos are coming together to make sure that you're absorbing inspiration wherever you go.
This week is the beginning of a beautiful artistic journey, so don't hold yourself back from enjoying the present moment and indulging in your wildest fantasies. There's more to life than work and success, so take time to relish every step of the way. Partake in all the splendor that the universe offers you and make sure that you create art simply for the sake of creating art. In astrology, the fifth house is about doing something simply for the thrill of it. Now's your time to say "screw it," and enjoy yourself.
Libra: You Have Total Access To All Your Talents And Strengths
The sun is in your first house of the self and it's as though you're being recharged with revitalizing energy and brought back to life. Libra season brings you back in touch with everything that makes you special and unique. If you've felt disconnected with your natural talents, greater concerns, and taste for life, prepare to remember every single reason why you're amazing.
However, your solar return is more than simply reveling in your awesomeness. It's about taking a closer look at how far you've come throughout the last year. Have you made serious strides towards achieving your goals? How have you changed since this time last year? It's time to begin prepping for the journey that lies ahead, so after you've received your fill of celebration, start thinking about the future.
Scorpio: You're Feeling Better Than You Have In Months
With Venus — planet of romance, sexiness, and charm — in your first house of the self, you're currently the most enchanting person around. Everyone is scrambling to get to know you and cuties are begging for your time of day. If you feel like everyone is suddenly showing up at your doorstep and falling in love with you, it's no coincidence. However, Venus is also capable of attracting toxic vampires, so make sure you set up boundaries and say "no," to people when necessary.
However, this week is even more meaningful than that. Pluto officially ends its retrograde as of September 30, bringing an immense source of clarity to your world. Let's not forget that during summertime, there was a point in which both Mars and Pluto (your ruling planets) were in retrograde, pulling you so deep into your shadows that you were struggling for air. Now, it's time to inhale peace and exhale negativity. You're shining brighter than ever.