Shakira & Gerard Piqué’s Astrological Compatibility Is A Breeze
If you don't believe in destiny, you might want to take a closer look at Shakira and Gerard Piqué's love story because it might as well have been written in the stars. They first met on the set of Shakira's "Waka Waka" video in 2010. It was the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, and Piqué, a professional soccer player, made an appearance. Despite having spent the last 10 years happily together with two children, they’ve never married. But that makes perfect sense when you take Shakira and Gerard Piqué’s astrological compatibility into consideration.
Both Shakira and Piqué were born on Feb. 2 (in 1977 and 1987, respectively) under the sign of Aquarius. If you're familiar with how Aquarians behave in a relationship, the idea of the two of them together might strike you as odd. They tend to be aloof and not overly emotional, so they're typically drawn to signs that balance out that aspect and that don't take their intellectual approach personally. (Gemini or Libra, for example.) The biggest challenge for Aquarius couples is getting past the friend zone, but when the attraction is strong enough for them to make the leap, they can find in one another a truly kindred soul. Here's what that can mean for Aquarius couples like Shakira and Piqué.
Aquarius Couples Set Their Own Relationship Rules.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet associated with revolutionary vision, so it should come as no surprise that they feel no need to adhere to traditions or expectations if they don’t suit them. That includes rushing to get married. They set their own rules and reject whatever doesn’t work for them. Without another sign to reign in Aquarius, there's no telling how their relationship will evolve. You can just be certain that it'll be the perfect, custom fit for them.
Life's Never Routine For Aquarius Couples.
Aquarius is spontaneous and wants to have a life full of excitement and mental stimulation. In one another, they find the perfect conversationalist. Their deep philosophical conversations can last late into the night. They also love to try new things and are excited to have a partner who's up for out-of-the-box experiences. With two Aquarians, all this eccentric energy is doubled, so as you can imagine, falling into routines is just not something they're likely to do. This extends to the bedroom, where experimentation without judgment is the guiding principle for an Aquarius couple.
They're Very Independent — Sometimes Too Much.
Aquarius is a unique individual who doesn’t always feel very understood by others. As a result, they're very comfortable being independent and pursuing their own interests. Add to this the fact that they're also not especially skilled at expressing emotions, and it can be challenging for an Aquarius couple to not naturally grow apart. It's all about finding the right balance of personal time and space, but also prioritizing time to reconnect and embrace togetherness.
They Have A Powerful Foundation Built On Trust.
An Aquarius couple's greatest strength is their strong foundation of trust. Aquarius is a very honest sign, to the point where they might be considered too honest. They'll tell you exactly what they're thinking, even if it's an uncomfortable truth. While sensitive signs like Cancer might take this kind of radical honesty as an attack, Aquarius instinctively understands where it's coming from and appreciates that they don't have to try and decode what their partner's saying. When you're not afraid to be totally real with your partner, trusting them is a breeze.
While it might not always be easy to get an Aquarius couple like Shakira and Piqué off the ground, once they're up and going, these air signs can really fly together.
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