Taylor Swift Did The Sweetest Thing For A Couple On Their Wedding Day & I'm Sobbing
Say what you want, but Taylor Swift loves her fans. Like, seriously. T-Swift has been known to personalize experiences for her adoring fan base, and this time two lucky people received a sweet treat from the "Look What You Made Me Do" singer. Taylor Swift gave a couple champagne on their wedding day, plus a personalized note, for the sweetest reason. Mainly, she heard they were including her music in the biggest day of their lives. (Ugh. Why don't you send me champagne, Tay-Tay? I like your music, tooooo!)
The lucky couple is Edward and Margaret Noble, and they tied the knot on Saturday, March 17, in East Meadow, New York. No telling how Swift knew about the nuptials, but she is definitely known for having a close relationship with her fans. It's totally possible that her fan-loving spidey senses pinged her about the Nobles' ceremony.
The newlyweds were staying at The Carltun in Eisenhower Park when they heard a special gift was waiting for them. It turns out, Swift sent the Nobles a bottle of Dom Pérignon champagne with a handwritten note attached. (For all you Franzia drinkers out there, Dom is expensive.)
Swift must have heard about their wedding playlist because she knew Edward and Margaret were including a few of her tunes in their big day. The note said,
Rumor has it you might be using my song in your wedding celebration which makes me so happy! Here’s to this amazing day of your continuing love story. Love, Taylor
The Nobles filled US Weekly in on how the whole Taylor Swift surprise went down. They explained, "When we got to the wedding venue, they told us, ‘There [is] a special gift upstairs for you from a very special person.'"
Hm... wonder who that could be? The couple continued,
It was awesome. It was such a great day. With all the moving parts, this was a great surprise! To get a bottle of Dom is a very nice gift, and then to see it’s from Taylor Swift is an even better gift!
Just when I thought I was out, Tay-Tay sucked me back in.
Swift also kind of has a reputation for surprising newlyweds.
In 2016, Swift straight up showed up to a wedding to perform a sultry and sweet rendition of her song "Blank Space." The wedding took place in New Jersey and Swift's surprise was orchestrated by the groom's sister. According to US Weekly, groom Max Singer married his wife Kenya in a hospital room where his sick mother was staying so she could be a part of their special day. Tragically, she died before the big ceremony.
According to the report, Singer and his mother also picked a Taylor Swift song for their mother-son dance. Singer's sister, Ali, explained to the ceremony crowd:
For those of you who missed the moment, Max chose ‘Blank Space’ as his mother-son dance. An oh-so-fitting song for probably the biggest Taylor Swift fan. Max, Kenya, we all wish mom was here, and I can confidently say she’s smiling down on us right now, and telling us to get the party started. … We’re going to get this life together started the way you started it the first time around with your marriage in that little room. In the words of Sheryl Sandberg: 'We want option A, but option A’s not available, so let’s just kick the s–t out of option B.'
That was Swift's cue. The video of Taylor Swift's surprise performance is truly epic.
Edward and Margaret, Max and Kenya, wherever you are, Taylor Swift and I are thinking about you. I hope you live happily Swifty after!
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