Tayshia & Zac's Proposal Body Language Confirms Their Love Is Real
Still itching for more intel on the newest Bachelor Nation couple? Well, Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark's proposal body language reveals a lot about their connection. Adams accepted Clark's proposal during the Dec. 22 finale of her season of The Bachelorette, and in case you were to busy happy-crying into your wine to fully process their romantic speeches to each other, I got you covered.
Adams said, "I have tried to come up with so many reasons to not believe, and you have truly just made me believe that there doesn’t need to be flaws, and that I deserve a love with a man that won’t run away. I’ve truly woken up my heart, and yes, it is real and I feel it, too. And I want to make more traditions and jump into fountains all over the world with you. I’m ready to hail a taxi and I’m ready to start a life with you. But also, I love you Zac Clark. And I’ll do absolutely anything to keep that huge smile on your face, because you do everything to keep a huge smile on mine."
Clark replied, "The night of my hometown… you walked in. When my parents got to see that smile on my face, you gave them the best gift you could ever give them. They haven’t seen me that happy in years. You did that. And that’s how I know. That’s when they knew. And the other night we were talking, we spoke about this idea of someone choosing you and I can’t picture another day, another moment without you in my life. And, if you’ll let me, I’m gonna choose you right now. I’m gonna choose you tomorrow morning. I’m gonna choose you next week. And next year. I’m gonna choose you forever. Because I love you."
Is Nicolas Sparks writing this down? Is Hallmark recording all of this? According to Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point: Body Language and Speech for Influence, their body language also confirms they're head-over-heels into each other. Here's how you can tell:
Adams was legit surprised when Clark got on one knee.
The whole point of The Bachelorette is to get engaged. So, it's not exactly surprising Clark got down on one knee. But Adams' body language seems to confirm that she really was surprised! "That's genuine surprise," Brown says, pointing out the way Adams is covering her face with her hands. "If she's not surprised, she's not going to do that."
Why do people do this when they're surprised? Well, it apparently signifies speechlessness. "There are things she wants to say," Brown says. "She's definitely speechless there... We see some emotion trying to come out, and it's just not. She's overwhelmed. That's what you see there."
For his part, Clark seemed to be cool as a cucumber. "I don't see worry on his face," Brown says. "He's focused on the moment."
She's still in the driver's seat.
See how she's pulling him in with her hands like that? According to Brown, that's a power move. "Whenever you put your hand on someone's face like that, that's a control thing," Brown says, noting that she's "been the one in the driver's seat" throughout the show. "She for sure wants him," she observes.
Things were a little awkward before he popped the question.
"There's not the same level of connection here," Brown says of this pre-proposal shot. "See how her hands are on his chest and he's just kind of barely holding her forearm there? They have some distance between them. This isn't their closest, most connected moment."
To be fair, this was before he popped the question, so there was still a lot of unknown. "I think what this shows is some kind of uncertainty," Brown says. "If this was after the proposal, I think we'd have big concerns about them."
Luckily, this moment happened before Clark asked Adams to marry him. Don't worry, Brown fully approves of their chemistry.
Once the deed was done, Clark was over the moon.
This picture is pretty obviously posed, but one element of it was apparently not. According to Brown, it seems as though Clark wrapped his arms around Adams in this photo before she was quite ready for the shot. "See how her arm is folded up between them?" Brown says. "He grabbed her before she was ready. So that says something about where he is and his excitement level. He's totally excited."
Also, Brown notes he "looks a little bit relieved," so maybe he was a little worried she'd say no. "We see a little relief in his eyes that we didn't see before," Brown says, pointing out that his forehead is relaxed and he's not raising his eyebrows. "He's feeling good about this moment. Like he can take a deep breath."
They're already looking like a "great" couple.
First of all, even though it looks like they're both sipping champagne, they're probs not. Clark has been sober for nine years and runs a sober living facility. Brown suggests their flutes may be filled with white grape juice (which doesn't bubble up like champagne does – see how their beverages are flat?).
According to Brown, Adams and Clark look amazing during their post-proposal toast. "They're pretty much glued together," she says. "That's what you want to see from a great couple."
"Couples that are doing the same thing are typically on the same wavelength with how they're thinking, so we see this here," she says. "They both have the champagne [or grape juice] and they're holding it in the same way."
Brown says, "They're in this moment together." Happy for these two!