Fans Are Spotting A Tiny Detail On The New Oscars Envelopes & Twitter Can't Deal
Clearly, the Academy isn't playing games this year. Following the awkward envelope mixup at the 2017 Academy Awards which led to the announcement of the wrong Best Picture winner, the 2018 Oscars envelopes are so fool proof that no one can mess it up. Well, there goes the drama I guess.
This year, the Academy decided to opt for putting a bit more description on the envelopes. Instead of the classic and simple red design that the awards show has become so well known for, the 2018 envelopes state the award category in big and bold letters that you can't possibly miss, whether or not the presenters remembered their reading glasses.
While some may think this takes away from the mystique of the big reveal, I have to say it's probably a safe idea. In case you missed last year's Academy Awards, there was some drama to cap off an exciting night in Hollywood. For those who love drama as much as I do, here's what happened. While announcing the winner for the Oscar's most esteemed award, Best Motion Picture, the announcers accidentally named La La Land as the winner when the Oscar had actually been won by Moonlight.
So how did this mixup happen? Well according to Entertainment Weekly, presenter Warren Beatty was handed the wrong envelope. Instead of the envelope for Best Motion Picture, Beatty was handed the envelope for Best Actress, which Emma Stone had won for La La Land just prior to the final award. So, Beatty and his fellow presenter Faye Dunaway announced the acclaimed musical as Best Motion Picture, and then had to retract the honor once realizing they had made a huge mistake.
I'm still cringing.
Emma Stone was even still holding her best actress card the whole time this all went down, though it was later revealed that there were two copies of the cards announcing each award. While speaking to the press following the incident, Stone admitted that she was unsure of how the mixup occurred.
She said,
I don't mean to start stuff, but whatever story that was, I had that card, so I am not sure what happened.
Save the drama for after the Oscars ceremony, because judging from that airtight Oscars envelope 2.0, the Academy isn't having any of it.
While it was an iconic moment for television, you can imagine how horrified everyone involved in that fiasco must have been. The day following the Oscars, PricewaterhouseCoopers, accounting firm that tabulates the winners, apologized for the mixup and clarified how it happened through a statement.
It read,
We sincerely apologize to "Moonlight," "La La Land," Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture. The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected. We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred. We appreciate the grace with which the nominees, the Academy, ABC, and Jimmy Kimmel handled the situation.
So despite last year's drama at the hands (pun intended) of Dunaway and Beatty, the duo might be gracing the Dolby Theatre stage once again to redeem themselves, according to TMZ.
One more time, with feeling.
Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.
So while we might not be expecting drama this year, we can still expect an amazing night in Hollywood. Whether it's gawking at Meryl Streep or cheering on the Black Panther cast, we're all excited to see what this year's Academy Awards has in stored for us.
The nominations for Best Motion Picture this year include Call Me By Your Name, Darkest Hour, Dunkirk, Get Out, Lady Bird, Phantom Thread, The Post, The Shape of Water, and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Do you see that list of pure, immense talent? I think it's safe to say there are no losers on that docket.
You're all winners y'all. Good luck tonight!