The Leo New Moon Is Here & You're Already Off To A Beautiful Start
In astrology, a new moon is an incredibly replenishing and rejuvenating experience. It's a moment in which you're called to take stock of your life, let go of all the burdens you've been carrying, and march forward with a renewed spirit. Think of a new moon as a plot of fertile soil that you'll plant a seed within. That seed will grow into something beautiful and unique, and by the time a full moon takes place, whatever blooms will be ready for harvest. The August 2020 new moon is rife with potential, so take advantage of the powerful energy it contains. Summer isn't just for relaxing and laying low; it's also bursting with motivational energy.
If you make a point of beginning something on this new moon, you'll probably see it come to fruition by the time the corresponding full moon takes place six months later. Even if you don't plan on putting too much thought into a new project, simply setting an intention on this new moon will invite so much greatness into your life.
This new moon takes place in creative, playful, expressive, romantic, and passionate Leo. This zodiac sign wants you to stop trying so hard to appear serious or responsible and simply let your guard down and have fun. Why else do you think Leo season happens right in the middle of summer? Leo is literally ruled by the sun — the celestial body that governs your confidence, life force, and identity — and its energy nourishes you with gilded light. If Leo has anything to teach you, it's that confidence comes from having the courage to do whatever you want and be whatever you want. It comes from giving yourself permission to partake in all the splendors that life has to offer without judging yourself.
The New Moon In Leo Takes Place August 18 At 10:41 p.m. ET
It's been an intense year, and the astrology behind 2020 is proof of that. You've been enduring something called the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Saturn is the planet of boundaries, tradition, and karma, while Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth. When these two planets meet (which occurs around every 34 years), the way society functions as a whole gets redesigned and longstanding structures are reshaped. If you've been feeling the stress of it all, it's no wonder — and the second half of 2020 will be just as overwhelming, unfortunately.
That's why this new moon is so special; it's bursting with positive energy. All new moons represent a new beginning, and this one begins with a motivational and courageous bang. The new moon will form a trine with passionate and energized Mars, which means this new moon is marked by excitement for the future. It's also forming a sextile with the North Node (which is symbolic of your ultimate destiny), encouraging you to let go of whatever is holding you back from embracing your highest self. It's time to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done, because if you do, you'll feel so accomplished and proud of yourself.
However, expect there to be some drama along the way, as Mars will also form a square to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. This could make you feel quick to anger, argumentative, and frustrated that things just aren't moving fast enough. While this certainly ups the intensity, it motivates you all the more to break free from your limitations. Just be mindful of how you choose to go about it.
On the bright side, this new moon also represents a new beginning in your relationships and finances. Venus — planet of money and love — forms an exact sextile with innovative and electrifying Uranus during this new moon. This will make you feel attracted to eccentric types of people; people who are very different from you that can teach you so much about a different way of life. It will also encourage independence and boundary setting; the type of relationship that respects personal space and allows you to grow as an individual.
Soak up this new moon because it has the potential to take you far. Even though times are tough, you've been growing so much in the process, just like a diamond in the rough.